Allosaurus (CollectA)

1.5 (22 votes)

Review and Photos by Takama, edited by Plesiosauria.

We’re all aware how CollectA have evolved, in their mere eight years of existence, from the makers of childish garbage to the makers of some amazing figures. The subject of today’s review falls clearly into the former category. It was released in CollectA’s second year and is butt-ugly to boot. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you CollectA’s rendition of the ever famous, Allosaurus fragilis.

Allosaurus CollectA

Okay, now I need to decide where to start with this cruddy figure. Well, let’s start off with the obvious – the arms are definitely pronated and the hands are the incorrect shape. The same can be said about its feet, which are shaped like the letter ‘W’. The head on this figure is way too short and box-like compared to the actual skull (though I must give the sculptor credit for getting the crests in the generally correct position). The teeth look like dentures and the tail is too short and lacks musculature.

Allosaurus CollectA

The colours on this figure are very natural, with different hues of green, and a yellowish tint. The body is also banded with grey lines, while the two crests are coloured orange.

Allosaurus CollectA

Overall, this Allosaurus is obviously a terrible figure that exhibits all the faults seen in models from CollectA’s earliest years. However, now that CollectA are improving their products, hopefully we can get a resculpt of this genus sometime in the future. This figure is available wherever CollectA Dinosaurs are sold, and can cost anywhere from $5-$9 (plus shipping an handling).

Allosaurus CollectA

Available on Amazon here and ebay here.

Allosaurus CollectA

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Comments 8

  • I got this like a few years ago, wasn’t that expensive Tbh. Its a very nice figure and has an Amazing paint Job. I understand that its not scientificly accurate and the face is awkward, and i’m still bugged about the arms. But if your looking for a small nice looking figure, give this a shot! Rate it 7/10! 😀

  • Wow, looks like someone was beaten with the ugly stick, am I right?

  • Has collected got any plans to redo this figure?

  • It’s a shame you speak so negatively of this nice figure…CollectA is my favorite brand, and Allosaurus is my favorite dinosaur. Oh, well, everyone is entitled to their opinion…just like I’m entitled to mine.

    As a dinosaur collector, as far as Allosauruses go, I really like the contrast of different shades of green on the body with the crests in front of the eyes colored orange. Also dig the small size–I like smaller dinosaurs. Just bought this figure for dirt on Ebay and really really glad I did! Another 5-star figure!!!!

  • This is my favorite allosaurus figure. I have one too that I got on Ebay. Her name is Alice. I love the colors and the shape of the muscles. The orange crests are great too. It’s not that big enough, which I like too. Overall, I think a great figure well worth having!

  • I think this figure is reasonably nice.
    – I love that CollectA promises its figures have no BPA or phthalates.
    – It looks like the polar allosaur from Walking with Dinosaurs Spirits of the Ice Forest.
    – I just got one and named her Alice. I’m going to do a comic strip called Alice and Me with an allosaurus named Alice too.
    – I like this figure’s small size…it’s portable.
    -I like the greens and yellows with the orange crests.

  • This thing’s face look’s like it was smashed by a shovel XD.

  • I understand that there is more to say, my congratulations to Takama for excellent, successful and brilliant commentary

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