Becklespinax (Altispinax) (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)

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4.3 (3 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.

Don’t worry, this isn’t a case of déjà vu, I am indeed reviewing back-to-back Becklespinax figures. Since I just wrote about this genus last week, I won’t get into the science of Becklespinax, you can go read the Mattel Becklespinax review to get an idea of what we know about this animal. The only thing worth repeating from that review is that Becklespinax is not the correct name for the genus anymore, it is now known as Altispinax.

The Becklespinax we’re covering today is a fraction of the size of last weeks. It measures about 4” (10.16 cm) long and stands 1.75” (1.445 cm) at its highest point. Scaled down from an estimated length of 26’ (8 meters) this toy comes out to be about 1/80 in scale.

Despite its small size ToyMonster does an admirable job with this figure. Personally, I find it less exciting than some previously reviewed Captivz figures like the Pachyrhinosaurus, Monolophosaurus, and Ankylosaurus (Bumpy) but that’s mostly just due to a lack of interest in Becklespinax itself. What particularly impresses me here is that this biped can stand soundly on two feet without added support, which is not unusual for Captivz theropods.

Fine details include a tongue and minute teeth sculpted within the mouth, pronounced crests over the eyes and along the center of the cranium, spikes running down the neck, well defined leg musculature, and individual spines discernable within the sail. There isn’t any scale detail here, but the body has a stippled and wrinkled texture.

The body is mostly mottled dull green with a pale underside. The figure comes in three pieces: the head, body, and tail. The colors don’t exactly match up between pieces. This means that there is a sharp demarcation between the pale coloration on the neck or tail vs. the body. The face is orange with brown markings around the eyes and crests. The spines on the neck are cream colored. The sail, tail tip, hands, and legs below the knees are mottled brown. The inside of the mouth is pink, and the teeth are white. The eyes are yellow with black pupils. As usual, I’m impressed by the paint application afforded to this small figure, even if it’s a bit sloppy around the teeth.

The Captivz Becklespinax is a completely new sculpt produced in conjunction with Jurassic World: Chaos Theory. For that reason, it should be highly sought after by Captivz collectors and/or fans of the show. Although a less exciting addition to my own collection I am still happy to have it and share it on the blog. The blog now has two Altispinax reviews when two weeks ago it had none!

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