Brachiosaurus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

2.3 (7 votes)

Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy

By now, I’m sure we all know of the fact that some companies just love to rip off other people’s work without so much as a credit to those who came up with the ideas in the first place. So when it comes to Geoworld, you know things can get way out of hand. As some of us have discussed many times on the forum, it’s no secret that this company is ran by people who are too lazy to do their homework on not only their models, but also the accompanying fact cards to teach young children about the creatures their trying to replicate. Now, the reason I haven’t brought up the cards in my previous Geoworld reviews is simply because I lack the energy to try to hunt down what pictures they stole. That being said, I hope you guys can forgive me for that. But when a model they make is clearly a ripoff of a toy I actually own, then I would be more than willing to call them out upon it, such as the case with the Jurassic Hunters Brachiosaurus figure that was released as part of their first wave in 2013.


One look at this Brachiosaurus is enough to clearly show that they ripped off one of the most iconic figures of many of our community’s childhoods, one which resides in many of our current collections. That’s right, instead of sculpting their own unique version of a Brachiosaurus, they simply ripped off the Carnegie Collection’s.


The figure stands around 5 and a half inches tall from the tip of the foot to the top of the crest. The neck is held in an outdated periscope fashion just like the Carnegie model and the feet are positioned exactly the same. They did not even bother correcting the front feet, which remain as elephantine as the bigger model. The only differences between this and the Carnegie model is that the tail is held out straight and has a very slight curve at the end. Also, the mouth is opened wider and does not replicate the Carnegie’s iconic smile.


In terms of accuracy, this model is just as outdated as the Carnegie model, and with a inaccuracy of its own. In addition to the periscope neck and the, elephantine feet, the lump on top of its head is replaced with a thin crest that does not look anything like the real animal. The only good thing is that they managed to put the nostrils in the right position, right at the front of the snout.


After all is said and done, I can’t say I recommend this figure due to its inaccuracy and the blatant plagiarism. If you’re curious, the colors are lime green with dark green patterns and yellow lines dotted all around. If you’re still interested in this figure, you can find it on Amazon and

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