When people talk of dinosaurs, a few will always spring instantly to mind. Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Diplodocus are usually mentioned, along with Dimetrodon. However, Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur, but a synapsid, a mammal-like reptile, that died out 40 million years before the first dinosaurs. It is it’s appearance that undoubtedly sells it, it’s massive sail making it stand out, resulting in many figures of it, including model kits. Here, we look at the version made by Lindburg (or Pyro).

For this kit, you will need: a paint brush, paints and plastic glue. I recommend poly filler, nail cutters and a file to help neaten up plastic that may be attached to the sprues and fill gaps.

Before moving to the main figure, I want to talk about an addition to this figure: a caveman. At least, that is what the box calls it, but it is clearly a female. Whilst cave people (which I am going to assume are Neanderthal) are included with several Lindberg sets, likely as size reference, the tiny size of this one is far too small compared to an actual Dimetrodon, needing a lot of perspective work to be right. Looks nice enough, if odd for being in this set.

Now, to the figure proper! It’s pretty large, measuring 9.4″ long and 4″ high, meaning it may not fit with other lines, better on it’s own. The pose is interesting, gazing over the horizon, or perhaps trying to warm itself in the morning sun. Not hugely dynamic, but works well enough. This is a Dimetrodon that has been through a lot, with each leg cut and scarred, and covered in throbbing veins on the skin, looking like it has been taking something to boost muscles. A tad over the top, with the scars being too numerous. One or two would have worked better.

Now to accuracy. Though this one is a 2012 reissue, you can tell it’s a much older kit. The tail is too short, the skull is not rounded enough (looking cartoonish) and the body is a little too large. The outward feet are odd and the sail a little short. At least the general silhouette is there.

The best part of these model kits is, of course, the ability to paint them yourself, putting your own mark and making them unique, or even copying others to emulate their art style. For this model, I wanted to copy creatures that live in a similar environment to Dimetrodon, lowland deltas. After a little research, I found the painted turtles of Arkansas and attempted something similar, with a orangey red under belly, olive green skin and yellow marks across the body. May not be the best realisation of it, but I like it. I tried to give my cave women an authentic skin and mammoth fur as I could, and feel it comes across well.

Of the three main Dimetrodon model kits (this, Revell and Airfix), this is my least favourite, owing to it feeling cheap and cartoonish. Still, it was fun to build and paint, and being fairly inexpensive means it is easy to get. While I’d recommend the other kits first, I still say this is worth a grab to keep you entertained.

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It’s a good vintage model. I used to have one that was badly painted
An odd figure just of my taste.
Nice paint job!
Thank you!
I think this is the ugliest Dimetro I never seen.