One day while driving to work, I passed a billboard that had Blue on it and saw that it was an advertisement for Jurassic World live Tour. I didn’t know what it was but as my kids are big Jurassic Park/World fans, I decided it might be worth going to. So I purchased tickets for my family and in October 2019 we headed off to the show. Once inside the arena, we found our seats, and then proceeded to the nearest merchandising stand to look at all the overpriced items. Once there, I ended up shelling out some of my hard earned money for a few items. As Stegosaurus is one of my favorite animals, this is one of the toys I ended up purchasing. Was the Jurassic World Stegosaurus Live Tour toy worth it? Lets take a closer look.

About the toy: The toy is a good size for the Jurassic Park/dinosaur collection shelf and for kids to play with. It is 10.5in (26.67cm) long and 5.75in (14.605cm) long. Where as the size is good, the material that it is made of is a bit of a let down. It is made of a soft vinyl material which makes it light weight, bendy, and safe for a child to play with. For a a pricy collectable, it would been nice if the material was a little nicer. The pose has both the head and the tail swinging in towards its left flank. That makes it look nice for display on three out of its four sides.

The sculpt is rather accurate when compared to the Jurassic Park franchise movies and live tour show. It is styled after the Jurassic Park stegosaurus instead of the Jurassic World stegosaurus as they made changes in its clone for the new series. You can tell them apart quickly for two reasons. First they added a drooped tail for Jurassic World and second they colored it different with a brown swoosh across its plates. This toy does not have either of these so it is an earlier version. When compared to the films this stegosaurus is a little thin as its belly doesn’t reach down low enough and its back doesn’t seem to be quite high enough. The front shoulders also seem a little bit high but these are nit picks. They got it really close.

The textures on this toy are also very good and pretty close to the film versions. The upper half of its flank has a cracked mud style of skin which blends into smaller bumps and skin folds on the belly and legs. The plates have irregular vertical groves going from the base to the tip. A seam is also visible across the legs to its belly. On the head there are ear holes behind the eyes and if you look close enough by the beak you’ll see it external nares. Unfortunately they are hidden by the paint. The beak is painted on and inside the mouth is a battery of upper and lower teeth.

The paint job is what you would expect. The body, tail, and head are all painted a base green. Inside the folds and cracks are a blueish green to give it some contrast. The plates have an artichoke green as a base and the cracks have a lighter, creamer laurel green. The thagomizers are a pale grey- white shade, perhaps alabaster. The toes are grey as well as the painted on beak. The mouth and tonged are pink and the teeth are white. The eyes are yellow, the pupil is black in which there is a dot of white.

Overall: This toy fills its intended role as a plaything for kids. The material is soft, tips are blunted, and it can take rough play. Probably a good thing as I can imagine how many times toys were swung around by little kids or dropped and hit the ground during the performance.
Does it work on a collectors shelf? It does. Lets face it! Its a rare, exclusive, Jurassic World Tour Stegosaurus that was only available at the merchandise stand. Ok, maybe it isn’t that spectacular of a figure but I find that it fits in my Jurassic Park toys collection just fine. The biggest issue I have with this toy was the quality and the price. It is made from a squishy, soft vinyl material. I just do not think it was worth paying over $20.00 USD for. Even though I didn’t like the price, I am not upset. Sometimes you just get caught up in the moment and it looks just fine on my shelf. If you want one, you’ll either have to make it to a performance or keep your eyes on eBay.
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This is the 60th Stegosaurus review, congrats!