Review and Photographs by Cretaceous Crab, edited by Suspsy
For those living under a rock, the “Indoraptor” is the primary antagonist creature in the upcoming film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Like its predecessor, the Indominus rex from the previous film, this creature is a genetically-engineered hybrid, and while the base genome is (presumably) a dromeaosaur, it is not a representation of any known dinosaur species. Likewise, it has several exaggerated features.
I have to say that normally I am not drawn to dinosaur figures based entirely on fictional or speculative terms. However, when I started reviewing what Mattel was putting out for this next film, I decided that if I had to pick any toy out of this series, it would this one. I mean, scientific accuracy aside, this is a COOL toy.
This Indoraptor is just shy of 16 inches in length. It is predominantly a glossy black color with red eyes (there is a red streak trailing just behind the eyes) and a sporty-looking goldish stripe down its neck and most of its body. I am not certain what sparked the gold stripe; maybe it’s just a way to make the character slightly more visible against a dark background. The texture is scaly, almost snake-like, especially on the body and tail. The teeth are a little blunt, probably for child safety reasons, and inside the mouth is a uniform red color. It also has some “spikes” or protofeathers (I’m not sure which) on the back of the head and running down the neck, and also on the backs above the hips. These are made of softer rubber (may be a hazard for smaller kids who like to chew). Overall, I personally find the figure very sleek and “badass,” a different look from the eerie white color of the late Indominus.
This figure is very poseable, having 17 points of articulation. In fact, in this regard, it may only be rivaled by the deluxe Raptor figures by Creative Beast Studio. There are a few limitations, such as the hands not completely being able to face inward (to “clap” instead of “slap”) and the feet do not bend, making some standing positions a tad difficult. But these are minor, and there are still plenty of ways to pose this menacing-looking dinosaur. Some members on the forum have already posted comical poses with their Indoraptor figures, and consequently, some memes are already in existence. In short, it can bring hours of enjoyment to children and adults alike (the evening I brought it home, my wife and I had a good time playing around with it!).
Size-wise, this Indoraptor is more or less to scale with most of the “standard-sized” JP/JW figures, including human characters. Here it is next to the “Roarivores” Baryonyx, the “Attack Pack” Gallimimus and green Velociraptor, and the “Action Attack” Carnotaurus.
In summary, the poseable “villain dinosaur” Indoraptor figure is pretty awesome in terms of a toy to play with. At an average retail price tag of $19.99 USD, it is not unreasonably priced either. There is a “Basic Dino Value” Indoraptor toy figure as well, but I believe it is slightly smaller, and not as articulated. I wager that it is unique to the JW:FK film and toy line, so if this is on your wish list for JP/JW collectibles, I would not wait too long to get one.
Available from Amazon here
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How is it to scale wuth blue looking at the picture with the green velociraptor it seems way too big
Nice ^^
By the way, is the left or right leg a bit hard to move? Mine has the left leg suddenly turning a bit hard to move, and i’ve seen a video review where the indoraptor seems to have the same issue.
Én is csináltam egy vicces jelenetet vele.Az egyik karját magasa tartja és vízszintes csukló és a kezébe egy Schleich vagy Safari LTD dinosaur koponya.És meg is van az Indoraptor “Lenni vagy nem lenni”jelenete.
This has been another toy from the JWFK line that has been super fun to play with. Awesome, two thumbs up!
As a toy, this thing is great. The articulation is just wonderful. As a dinosaur…well its a movie creature so it is what it is.
This is by far one of my favorite figures from this line, just because of the articulation and sculpt on this figure, even if I’m not the biggest fan of this creature (yet). I also like the scaly texture it has. It almost feels like a snake of some kind. I think the gold stripe may be to contrast with Blue’s too?