Pithecanthropus (= Homo erectus erectus) (Starlux)

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4.3 (9 votes)

Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Plesiosauria

Once more, I find myself going through the Starlux repertoire of hominids. In this case, another nomen dubium, Pithecanthropus, the Java man. Now known as Homo erectus erectus (a subspecies of H. erectus), it is an example of the early expansion of hominids, spreading throughout Africa and Asia. Here, we have the earliest example of this species immortalized in plastic.

At 2.6” high and 1.6” wide, it scales well with a lot of the other small model companies, and to a similar scale as other Starlux figures. The paint is an all over redish-brown, with lighter and darker patches in areas like the legs, though the work on the face is slap dash and clumsy, rather lazily done. A shame, as the details on the prey it carries, likely based on a Javan rusa deer, is quite good on the ears and hooves.

Accuracy is decent on this figure. It has the protruding jaw and brow known from the fossil record, and the body is correctly bulky based on the thickness of the fossil limb bones that have been found. The musculature is mapped quite well. The execution of the figure overall is slightly sloppy, however. The head is merged rather badly with the deer carcass (which is accurate, both for shape and timing). Like any mammal figures, the genitals are present, just so you know.

This is somewhat out of date, and a bit of a sloppy job, though this may vary from figure to figure. There are a few other examples of Homo erectus models out there, and they are honestly better. If you want a figure especially for this sub-species then they are often found on eBay France. If you want it, there is your choice.

As always, I will warn that these figures are brittle, so be careful. This figure features fewer small protruding parts, so it is a bit safer to handle. Even so, be careful.

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Comments 1

  • Thanks for that review…. Starlux sure made a great variety of prehistoric creatues, some goofy and some quite fair even by today’s standards.

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