Yes, another Achelousaurus and yes, that’s a nickel its standing on. Let me introduce the second member of the Antedeluvia collection to be reviewed here on the blog, David Krentz’s rendition of Achelousaurus. If you would like more information on this particular ceratopsian dinosaur simply scroll down a bit and read the first paragraph of my review for CollecA’s version of it.

Like all of the members of this line, this little guy comes separated from its base and unpainted. A little handy work with super glue and paints (If you so choose) is required. While some may find this a hassle, to me, this is half the fun. This one is pretty easy to glue on since it’s a quadruped and it’s in a sitting pose so there are four points of figure-base contact. Therefore, unlike the bipedal models, you don’t need to stand there holding it in place while the glue dries.
The sculpt itself is beautiful. First of all let me say that this is as scientifically accurate as it gets. The proportions are all right with a nice big head and a short tail and the arms are correctly splayed slightly to the sides. The only tiny detail that is slightly off due to very recent information is the fact that the palms are facing backwards. Still, this is a very accurate figure.
The pose is really cute. David Krentz featured a whopping three ceratopsian models in this line (much to my delight) so I suppose it was decided to make this one’s pose a little different so that they all don’t look too similar. Achelousaurus is sitting down much like a puppy dog with its left arm raised up and its head tilted to the side. For a model based off of a twenty foot beaked, frilled dinosaur with a lumpy mass of bone on its face this still manages to look absolutely adorable.
Detail is impressively acute for a figure that’s in 1:72 scale. There are a fair amount of wrinkles and even little bumpy scales raised up all down the figures back. The bosses have ridges and the toes and epoccipitals (bony bits lining the frill) are all nicely defined. This figure comes unpainted so there is no color or paintjob to review. You are just going to have to put up with my paintwork for this entire review just keep in mind that this is not the way it comes. The owner is free to paint it however he/she pleases.

In conclusion, like any member of the Antedeluvia line, I have nothing bad to say about this guy. It’s tiny, it’s detailed and its accurate. This is one of the smaller figures in the collection so it is on the cheaper (relatively speaking) side. It was about seventeen US dollars if I remember correctly. I highly recommend it to anybody.
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Typo: ‘u’ missing from ‘saurus’ in my earlier post.
I have four Antediluvia models on their way as we speak. The Achelousarus isn’t among them yet, but I very much hope to get it too one day. It is, like all the others in the series, just beautiful. 🙂