Alioramus was one of the smaller tyrannosaurids to have arisen and thrived during the Late Cretaceous period. Mind you, the only known specimens thus far are juveniles and subadults, so just how big an adult could grow to be is unknown. Along with Qianzhousaurus, it appears to be part of a distinct branch of the tyrannosaur family.

Gala, the miniature Alioramus from PNSO, is sculpted atop an earthern base just like the Abelisaurus and the Qianzhousaurus. Her left foot is perched on a rock, her tail is raised high in the air, and her head is lowered and turned to the right. This makes her about 8 cm long and just over 6 cm high. I rather like the pose she’s in; she could be engaged in any number of activities from tracking down the scent of prey to feeding on a carcass to peering over a cliff to observing one of her eggs hatching. Or maybe she’s even signalling to a male that she’s willing to engage in copulation. It’s up to you.

Gala boasts the signature skull of Alioramus: long, low, and narrow with prominent crests. Sharp teeth can be seen protruding on either side of her closed mouth; Alioramus had more teeth in its jaws than any other known tyrannosaur. She also possesses small arms ending in two-fingered hands and powerful-looking legs. Most of her body has a wrinkled texture, but there is visible plumage running down her back from her cranium to the tip of her long tail.

Unfortunately, Gala is saddled with one of the dullest colour schemes among PNSO miniatures. Her main colour is the same muddy brown as her base, her underbelly is beige, her eyes are yellow, and the stripes on either side of her body are light grey. There’s also a visible black paint flaw on the left side of her mouth. Hopefully yours is without any such blemishes.

Despite her decidedly boring colours, I’m rather fond of Gala overall. Much of this has to do with my lifelong love of all things tyrannosaur, and Alioramus has very few media appearances and toys to its name. At present, the only other existing ones are the ones by CollectA and Mattel. As such, Gala is a most welcome addition to my collection.

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Gorgeous succinct but explicit article and good photo credit. PNSO’s alioramus beats even that of other brands and honestly what I like most about PNSO’s prehistoric animal miniatures is that they have gorgeous detailed bases that no other theropod miniatures and other dinosaurs from other brands have. In my case I am “hooked” on the PNSO miniatures, they are figures that will go down in the history of toy dinosaurs for their incredible beauty.