Amargasaurus (Battat)

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4.1 (26 votes)

Review by Emperordinobot, edited by Dinotoyblog

This was my first Battat. Back then, 10 years ago, I wasn’t aware they made dinosaurs this detailed, and I didn’t know of an Amargasaurus. When I crossed with my mum into that little specialty shop so long ago, I knew I had hit the jackpot. Not only was it the first time I had ever seen Battat, but I was immediately mesmerized by their amount of detail. I was looking for Carnegie but I became a Battat fan, too. I was looking for rare dinosaurs I hadn’t come across before (And if not, I’d simply buy a Carnegie Euplocephalus, which I did). Amargasaurus fit the bill (I could have gone for the others…heck I just wanted to buy them all, especially the Diplodocus…)

Back then, Battats came in little boxes. I went to great efforts to keep the box, but, I lost it recently. It gave these dinosaur a sort of…superiority that Carnegies just didn’t have then. Battats are also in scale with Carnegie dinosaurs, which makes it more fitting.

Amargasaurus itself is detailed beyond belief. For the time it was made in, this is what you would call top notch. The texturing is perfect, and it breathes a sense of realism into each dinosaur. The shades of grey over the animal are perfect. This Amargasaurus is depicted as having a sail supported by its tall spines (which is now a cause of debate, and new figures are depicted as having naked spines that don’t support a sail).Now, I don’t know whether this is a production error, or just mine, but, the right side of the spines that lay on its neck are a little shorter than the left side spines. It…creates a visual annoyance. At 20cm long, this figure is quite small for a sauropod.

As for Amargasaurus itself, this was a quirky looking dicraeosaurid from Argentina that was described rather recently. Gondwanian sauropods like these further prove that both South America and Africa were together at some point in the past.

Sometimes available here

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Comments 4

  • A truly great fig. I was lucky to score one for $1.

  • I’m trying to find out how many millions of dinosaur toys are produced each year on the planet — or some other eye-popping metric. Can you possibly help me out, or pass me along to somebody in the manufacturing business??? Thanks a million. Great site — I’ll be back.

  • I forgot to add that it’s about 20 cm long.

    Oh it’s been added.

    It’s small, but, since Amargasaurus were small, he is in scale with the others.

  • Great review. A truly unique animal. I was delighted that Carnegie eventually tried their hand at amargasaurus recently (with beautiful results), but would still love to get my hands on the original Battat version.

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