Author: EmperorDinobot

All reviews by this author

Review: Irritator (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Wild Roar by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

4.3 (17 votes)

Last year was an exciting year for Irritator! Not only did we get two new figures by Mattel, but we also got a new study looking at the jaw articulation of Professor Challenger’s Irritating creature from Brazil! Join me, Emperor Dinobot, as we look at one of the most interesting figures Mattel has given us thus so far, barring the lack of accuracy and focusing on the artistic license given to this swampy animal!

Review: Albertaceratops nesmoi by Beasts of the Mesozoic from Creative Beast Studios

4.9 (23 votes)

At this point in my life, my reviews are all going to be somewhat personal. As collectors, we tend to form serious attachments to our toys or figures, as they often serve as memory capsules. They remind us of things such as a fun event that led to their discovery, a trip where a collector bought a figure at a gift shop, a gift given to a collector for their birthday, or by a special someone that may or may not be with them anymore, etc.

Review: Beasts of the Mesozoic Avaceratops (ceratopsian series)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.9 (30 votes)

Sorry for the absence. I have been gone for some time to take care of personal issues, but never think that I, Emperor Dinobot, have forgotten about you, my dear readers. As you may know, ceratopsians are my favorite group of dinosaurs, and this is evident not just for my love of BOTM’s ceratopsian line, but because I always…I always imagined them as super-large companions.

Review: Avaceratops (Jurassic World Epic Evolution Danger Pack

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.3 (30 votes)

The chaos continues! Dinosaurs have evolved, and more species are on the loose! This may sound scary, but it does not have to be. The usually docile, bighorn sheep-sized Avaceratops has been spotted at high altitudes, getting comfortable in their modern colder environments. Their sharp horns are a reminder that, while they generally have a gentle disposition, they should be approached with extreme caution.

Review: Xuanhanosaurus (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.8 (43 votes)

I, Emperor Dinobot, recently posited a question around, and it was the following: Could Mattel be designing dinosaur figures and naming them afterwards? We already have an example: Roarivores Sinoceratops is actually a Pachyrhinosaurus, but it got a name change due to the fact that Universal wanted to market Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom to the massive Chinese audience, and Pachyrhinosaurus was substituted by Sinoceratops, a dinosaur which represented China.

Review: Piatnitzkysaurus (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.3 (31 votes)

We owe a lot of our pop dinosaur knowledge to books such as “The Humongous Book of Dinosaurs” by David Norman (et al.), written in the very late 1980’s and early 90’s, published by various publishers in many formats, like collectible magazines, all which often included a comprehensive list of dinosaurs from a-z, and from all over the world.

Review: Proceratosaurus (Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaur series by Creative Beast Studios)

4.3 (49 votes)

Proceratosaurus. “Before Ceratosaurus“. I remember when I first laid eyes on the exquisitely preserved jaws of this animal, found in England from the rocks of the mid Jurassic. The picture was in most dinosaur books throughout the 80’s and 90’s, accompanied by a somewhat vague description usually saying that it looked like Ceratosaurus and Ornitholestes due to the nasal horns (in the case of Ornitholestes, the nasal horn never existed, as the fossil skull was somewhat warped).

Review: Ornithocheirus (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.5 (23 votes)

Well, for my next magic tr…I mean 50th review, I will address Mattel’s strange choices when it comes to making figures based on my new favorite group of ancient reptiles: pterosauria. Ornithocheirus is a name that has been in paleo literature since the 1870’s, though the genus had become kind of a wastebasket taxon through the early 1900’s and onward.

Review: Tapejara (Jurassic World Dino Rivals/Primal Attack Savage Strike by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.2 (56 votes)

Ever since I, Emperor Dinobot, managed to get most of my Jurassic pterosaurs on the ceiling, I made the reealization that doing so would make it impossible for me to review certain individuals, especially many of the repaints and retools Mattel has released in the last few years.

Review: Pteranodon (Electronic Alpha, Jurassic Park III, by Hasbro)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

1.9 (87 votes)

It all began with a friendship, an illness, and the return to my favorite franchise. It is actually a sad story, but I feel like I must tell it because today is the 22nd anniversary of Jurassic Park III’s release in the United States, which is where I am writing this review from.

Review: Tupandactylus (Jurassic World, Dino Trackers Danger Pack by Hasbro)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.3 (58 votes)

Here I am, Emperor Dinobot, offering thee another Mattel pterosaur review, this time of Tupandactylus.

Tupandactylus, formerly known as Tapejara, hails from the Cretaceous fossil rich Brazil. It was reclassified into Tupandactylus imperator and T. navigans in 2007 as it was found to warrant its own genus.

Review: Lockwood Ultimate Battle Set (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)

Genus: , Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

3.1 (48 votes)

The ending of Jurassic World opened a can of worms to a world of possibilities as to where our favorite sci-fi dinosaur franchise was going. Luckily there was a ton of lore to draw from, whether it was from the books, game or other media, though maybe not as deep as Star Wars, but just like the Star Wars sequel trilogy, there was not much of a plan going forward in terms of movie-making.

Review: Guanlong wucaii (Creative Beast Studios, Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaur series)

4.7 (76 votes)

It is quite refreshing to finally review a 1/18 scale dinosaur from Beasts of the Mesozoic that is not a ceratopsian. It is also refreshing to not have to write a review of a Mattel dinosaur or a pterosaur either. The BOTM Tyrannosaur series has arrived, and I, Emperor Dinobot, am excited beyond belief.

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