Review and photos by Dino Scream3232 (formerly Apatosaurus3232), edited by Suspsy
Well, this review is long overdue. Suspsy asked me awhile back to do one for the Carnage Collection Deinonychus after I shared some pics of it on my collection page. So it’s with great honor that I complete the Resaurus Carnage Collection review page.

This series holds a special place in my heart, as I remember seeing pictures of the line in ToyFare magazine when I was younger. I was so excited for highly detailed dinosaur figures. My parents surprised me by getting me the entire line for my birthday. The Deinonychus and Protoceratops had limited releases a few years later, but I never knew that those two were rare and hard to find until just recently. I found both figures at a place in Connecticut called Nature’s Art. It’s a dinosaur-themed store with a large outdoor park full of life-sized dinosaur models. I took my daughter there years ago and while looking around the store, I saw a pile of the Protoceratops and Deinonychus. Never knew they existed till then.

Moving on to the review. The Deinonychus is a retool of the Velociraptor mold. It’s basically a new paint scheme with a new head. It comes with the standard theropod foot print base and stand the line is known for. The overall color scheme is light green with black patches. The underside of the neck, belly, and the legs from the shins down are white. The eyes are piercing red with round black pupils. This figure is also the same size as the Beasts of the Mesozoic raptors, about 12 inches long and 6 inches high.
Unfortunately the wrists are pronated and there are no feathers, but this figure was made long before feathered raptors became popular.

The tail is bendable, as with all the figures in this line. This feature works best with the carnivores since they have the longer tails. I’ve heard the rubber and seams on these can degrade over time, but mine is fine for now. But speaking of degrading, this line is notorious for the pins holding the joints together to break or pop out over time. Mine is experiencing this problem, sadly. The right wrist pin pops right out when the wrist is moved.

Also, the head on mine is becoming loose. The head on my Velociraptor broke years ago and I had to glue it back on. I fear this one is on its way out too. Moreover, both figures are prone to getting scuffs, as you can clearly see on the neck.

All in all, I really like this figure, especially with the great head sculpt. It’s nice to see a good Deinonychus figure in a world that’s populated by Velociraptor toys everywhere you look. I just did a quick eBay search and didn’t see any Deinonychus on there. But oh boy, do some of these go for a lot mint-in-box. This makes me very thankful I own the entire line already. If you’re looking for one, I wish you luck.
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A long time ago, before social media was a thing, ReSaurus had a blog. There announced they were developing wave 2 for the Carnage collection and were considering what species to do.
I wrote them an email requesting Deinonychus, pointing out that all they needed was a headand that their first product was a Deinonychus poster, so it would be a nice homage. I got a response saying it was a good idea and they would consider it. Two weeks later there was a blog post with the head sculpt prototype. They pointed out that they were doing Deinonychus due to popular demand.
Other dinosaurs in wace two would have been Allosaurus, Ankylosaurs, and a pair of Compsoghathus. The prototypes were awesome, but I lost the pictures. Deinonychus was actually brown and tan instead of yellow-green and black.
Unfortunately the company collapsed under lawsuits and mismanagement before they could be produced. Fortunately, Deinonychus needed minor tooling, and there was an unannounced Protoceratops that was the same. I guess the factory already had the prototypes.