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Ceratopsian's custom paints and everything else: new 10 May 2024

Started by ceratopsian, March 19, 2016, 12:58:26 PM

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Lucky you to have such an experience. It must be great to now have a figure that has some connection to that trip. The stuff on that building looks great. Love the Microraptor that was included as well. Thank you for sharing all of that.
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Over the last few weeks, Haolonggood has been creating stir of excitement in my collecting life.  Of the four recent releases I now have, the Pentaceratops has perhaps made the greatest impression on me.  Like avatar_postsaurischian @postsaurischian, I was surprised by the sheer bulk and heft of the pieces as I extracted them carefully from their foam nests.  They are full of presence and as I look across my study, they draw my gaze like a magnet.

The way that their eyes have been painted, with the pupil at the front as if they are peering down their snouts, makes them both look riled up and aggressive.  They are remarkably expressive and characterful, and their firmly squared front legs make them look as if they are digging in and bracing themselves for confrontation:

But peaceful coexistence is also possible, or perhaps they're squaring up against a common enemy:

Inevitably the massive and brightly coloured frills attract attention - and are highly photogenic:

I consistently find that taking photos of my models makes me see them more clearly.  It was only when I looked through the camera lens that I fully noticed the pattern of purplish spots on the lower part of the horns.  And how those spots are picked up by the purple spots on the lower part of the frill, in an arc just above the horns.  The designer of the Haolonggood paint schemes is a master of achieving balance by positioning the same colours at strategic points across the animal: for instance the turquoise blue here behind the purple spots on the horns, on the feet and on the tail.  The colours on the yellow version of Pentaceratops are sun-bright on the frill (more muted over the body) - but nevertheless the whole is harmonious and delights the eye - congratulations, V @vampiredesign

I'm also impressed by the way that the front of the frill, although visually arresting, does not mean that the rest of the animal is neglected: it looks just as eye-catching when viewed from the rear.

And not to neglect the dark colour version:

And to finish up, a few of the back with the speculative large scales/osteoderms:

As a postscript, the blue feet remind me slightly of the blue legs on the Eofauna Triceratops pair - but here the blue is less prominent and much more harmoniously and organically incorporated into the overall colour scheme.  The aesthetic is very different - and I should have taken a comparison shot!

I've ordered only one of the next Haolonggood release - the brown stripy Apatosaurus. Whether I can hold out and not order the grey as well is perhaps uncertain!

Should you want to see high-resolution images - and more of them - here's the link to my Flickr Pentaceratops album:


  :)  They look like flowers in the green surrounding country. What a juicy colour spectacle! One or another bee might feel attracted.


These are stunners. I agree with you that some details of figures only become evident when you've photographed them. They've always been there, but just the act of attending to them needs a nudge or something.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Quote from: Halichoeres on May 20, 2023, 05:52:10 PMThese are stunners. I agree with you that some details of figures only become evident when you've photographed them. They've always been there, but just the act of attending to them needs a nudge or something.

Exactly. When I get a new figure/model in, one of the first things I do is take a bunch of good picture of all its details, and just observe. Interesting how just looking at it leaves so much fine detail out. I don't know if it's my poor eyesight, or that cameras take in light better, highlighting details more clearly. Or perhaps a psychological thing: too much noise and clutter surrounding a figure when looking at it, thus causing distraction. Probably a combination of those aspects.


For me it's virtually entirely psychological. When I take photos I take time. A lot of time over all the stages. If it's a proper photo session (as opposed to a quick snap), I wouldn't embark on the session if time was limited. I lavish time in posing my models and choosing my angles and light. More time when I go through the results of my photoshoot. More time editing - though I edit lightly these days as I can't spend too much time on the computer because of my hands. Still more time uploading them to Flickr, ordering and naming them. And then I spend time trying to make a selection to put up here.  As I prepare my post, it makes me articulate to myself why I bought the model and what I like about it.

One aspect of course in the process is not psychological but physical. I view my photos on a large desktop monitor, so the image is much larger than the actual model.

By contrast when I open a package, I'm usually in much more of a hurry and distracted. I want to know if the right model was sent, is it damaged, does it stand, does it look like the promo images or am I going to be disappointed, will I be able to assemble it if required?  I'm preoccupied with the physical task of actually getting into the box through layers of parcel tape, which can be testing. And breaking up any outer transport box for recycling - more battles with sticky tape!  I stress about whether I'll damage the model as I extract it from any protective foam etc., and ponder where am I going to display it.  So I'm heavily distracted from simply gazing and absorbing detail.


I have to say, very happy to read that other people also try to remove the tape from the box in order to recycle the carton!


Thank you for that write up, avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian, I love reading your process around new models - and noticed quite some similarities with how I experience it.

Enjoy your new Penta's, they're wonderful!

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Those are stunning figures, and well noticed with those faces' expressions. Reminds me a little of a certain herbivorous mammal.
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong


I agree avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian in my case it is mostly a matter of compelling myself to pay attention. The time to take photos, upload them, write a few thoughts--it really enhances my appreciation for my figures.

Quote from: shahinos on May 20, 2023, 08:26:39 PMI have to say, very happy to read that other people also try to remove the tape from the box in order to recycle the carton!

The sound of tape tearing off cardboard is like nails on a chalkboard for me. It's miserable but I do it.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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After yet another gap in recording my new acquisitions....  Today my ever-reliable postie bought me a package from My Online Toy Store - the Haolonggood Dacentrurus pair.  I've walked past the fossil slab so many times in the Natural History Museum, London, that it's a long familiar name to me and I was particularly pleased to read that V @vampiredesign had one in the works.  I had to wait until the evening to inspect the contents though, as I was ready to go out when the doorbell rang.  It's another solid and beautiful herbivore from this firm that has fast become one of my favourite producers and has brought me a lot of pleasure and simple excitement over the last few months.  I liked how the mouth is now clearly defined (but not over defined!)  I waved one of the new arrivals and the slightly older Wuerhosaurus at my long-suffering husband, who immediately saw the improvement.

I took them out for a quick evening stroll in the garden foliage.

I wonder what Haolonggood has up their sleeve for the next reveal?!


What a lovely pair! These outdoor photos really bring these models to life, very nicely done!


Lovely models, thank you for the pictures - first in hand photos of the red variant I've seen and very helpful in that respect.

Can I ask if the green one matches the green ouranosaurus exactly, or are they different base hues?


I haven't ordered mine yet because I like to order the HLGs a few at a time; these photos certainly whet my appetite! You've also helped me decide to go for the green one, although both are very attractive as usual. Enjoy!
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Thank you avatar_Baryonyx @Baryonyx!

Quote from: Baryonyx on August 17, 2023, 02:59:24 PMLovely models, thank you for the pictures - first in hand photos of the red variant I've seen and very helpful in that respect.

Can I ask if the green one matches the green ouranosaurus exactly, or are they different base hues?

I've put them side by side.  It's actually surprisingly hard to say whether the base green with pale blue stripes are exactly the same base hues - standing next to each other, the Dacentrurus gives the impression of being darker overall and less "bright".  However, I think it's the same base colours, creating a different overall colour impression because of how they are employed and how the minor colours (brown/beige) are built around the main colours.  The pale blue stripes are closer together and less uniform on the Dacentrurus, which seems to darken the green.  The beige/tan colour on its lower sides is much darker than the quite pale and bright biscuit on the Ouranosaurus.  The orange that highlights the top of the Ouranosaurus' sail is much the same as that which tips the spikes along the Dacentrurus' tail and some of the larger plates along its back - but the latter don't give off such a bright orange vibe because most of the spikes and plates are done in shades of brown, so too the shoulder spikes. The very bright orange/scarlet that tips the tail of the Ouranosaurus is absent from the stegosaur.  The gap between the rows of plates/spikes is done in brown with a touch of orange about it, and that morphs to a darker brown at the top of the beast's sides - this helps add to the darker feel of the Dacentrurus, and that same varied palette of browns is used on the face and down into the neck.  So in short, I think the green/sky blue base colours are the same on both, but the visual impression differs because of the overall treatment and use of colour.  I'd say that the Dacentrurus has a more sophisticated use and blending of colour.  Hope that helps!


That makes perfect sense, thank you very much avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian ! However, it makes it all the more tricky to choose between the two ^-^  (I went for the green Ouranosaurus). I see what you mean r.e. complexity of colour treatment on this release. The face of the red one looks particularly life-like and I always appreciate the lighter wash suggestive of dust that PNSO have popularised (if that's fair to say).

The raised forelimb as a slight variation on the walking straight ahead pose is very nice.


Some months ago, I was spurred on by DinosDragons' YouTube review to commission a fibreglass Patagotitan model from the Brazilian artist, Ademar Pereira do Nascimento (whose brand is called Era Terra).  Initially I thought I really couldn't buy one.  The price was very reasonable indeed - the issue was size.  The timing was perfect, as I was excited by the Patagotitan temporary exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London and they had no attractive souvenirs. Where there's a will there's a way, as the old saying goes.  With some thought I worked out where it could live and went ahead.  I'm so glad I acted on the review!  Ademar was a pleasure to work with.  I sent him a couple of images of sauropod pictures from a book as a basis for the colour scheme and left it to him to adapt them as he saw fit.  Initially I'd thought about red on the neck, but in the end Ademar thought it better left without it.  His judgement was absolutely spot on.  He adapted my vague suggestions on paint scheme flawlessly and artistically. The colour scheme is wonderful - striking but not at all garish. The packaging was also superb.  And being fibreglass, it's light (important for postage from Brazil!) and much more robust than resin.

The model didn't take very long to arrive, and when it reached me last week I put up a quick snap in the Recent Acquisitions thread.

Re: Recent Acquisitions #5018  August 11, 2023, 01:09:01 PM

A week on and I still think it's splendid, and I keep going to admire it once again! I'm thrilled with the quality of the work. The joins of neck and tail are virtually invisible. This morning I had a pleasant surprise in my Facebook Messenger inbox (which was how we communicated for the commission).  Ademar had created a montage of my Patagotitan and I thought it was so stunning I asked his permission to show it off here, which he duly gave:


This is a fantastic model! And probably my favourite paint job so far. Congrats :) His work on the joins is crazy good - I want to say it's even better than the work of a certain big company who puts 2 joins on figures half the size of this giant  ::)


To be fair, avatar_TooOldForDinosaurs @TooOldForDinosaurs, Ademar is producing individual items and he would be in a position to check each model he sells and adjust if necessary, while the nameless firm is mass producing factory output. 

Quote from: TooOldForDinosaurs on August 20, 2023, 06:35:50 AMThis is a fantastic model! And probably my favourite paint job so far. Congrats :) His work on the joins is crazy good - I want to say it's even better than the work of a certain big company who puts 2 joins on figures half the size of this giant  ::)


A spectacular-looking Patagotitan! I wish Safari had delivered something similar to it, at least conceptually-wise. The CollectA Ruyangosaurus comes to mind, a much better titanosaur figure than Safari's Patagotitan in my opinion.

Have you thought about doing a full-collection tour?

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