Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.
Since I just wrote reviews for a Mapusaurus and Tyrannotitan I thought it would be fitting to review another carcharodontosaurid and look at the Captivz Giganotosaurus by ToyMonster. This will be the last carcharodonosaurid review from me for a long while I suspect, but it’s still not the last Captivz review!

ToyMonster has used this mold many times since the release of Jurassic World: Dominion. I have three different versions myself, as you can see in the comparison photos. This one is the latest and part of the Dino-Trackers line, which means it is assigned to a particular biome and color coordinated to match it. This one comes from the “volcanic biome”. An odd place for an apex predator to live but it did give ToyMonster an excuse to make a red and green Giganotosaurus, which also makes it holiday themed and an appropriate figure to look at in December. The figure comes with red “volcanic lava slime” but don’t worry, the toy is packaged separately and not imbedded within it.

The Captivz Giganotosaurus stands 1.75” (4.44 cm) tall at its tallest spine and measures 4.5” (11.43 cm) long when including the bend in its tail. The Giganotosaurus we see in the movie measured 50.9’ (15.5 meters) which puts this toy at 1/135 in scale. The figure stands solidly on two feet with the left foot ahead of the right.

If you’re not a fan of the Jurassic World: Dominion Giganotosaurus, then this figure won’t be for you but regardless of how you feel about the creature design this little toy is a decent rendering of it. Fine details include ridges running over the eyes, nicely defined osteoderms running down the back, sagging skin folds, and well-defined musculature on the legs. The tiny teeth can be individually discerned and are about as good as you could expect on a figure of this scale. Three fingers can be seen on each hand and the toe claws are astonishingly sharp. Be careful, kids!

The figure is red with a dark wash over it that brings out finer details. The large osteoderms over the spine, the arms, and the backs of the legs are minty green. The feet are black with a minty green wash over them. The face is gray, teeth white, and eyes yellow with black pupils. Paint application is quite good for what this figure is.

I’m not much of a JW:D fan so I wasn’t terribly excited to receive this toy, especially because I had two other Captivz Giganotosaurus figures already, but there is no denying that this is a well-made little figure. Recommended for Jurassic World fans.

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The Sculpting is top tier for such a small figure, but although I like it’s coloration, it looks weird. 4 stars!