Review and photos by GiganotosaurusFan, edited by Suspsy
At one point a long time ago back in the year 2000, in a video game called Dino Crisis 2, a T. rex would stomp out to attack the main character, Regina. But then this massive beast, 21 meters long, would come smashing through a wall and this daikaiju, this beast, this gargantuan thing, would eat the rex. Later, it would meet its end at the hand of something called an “anti-satellite,” but not without a massive fight.
In 2020, W-Dragon would immortalize this kaiju into a piece of plastic, a limited run that would cost a whopping 120 dollars. This was released with quite possibly the best Giraffatitan model ever, and also at a lower price, so this one got overlooked. That’s a shame, because this one’s a gem.

Based on the Dino Crisis 2 version, this creature boasts some insane detail, especially on the head. Inside the mouth are white, glossy, sharp, mean, irregular dentures growing out of both jaws, and to top it off, a pink tongue is visible. It has two eyes, one alive with colour, the other milky white with a bloody scar over it and blood flushing into the eye, giving it a reddish tint. Minute scales are placed all over the head, giving it a distinctly reptilian look.

Moving on to the body, we see that the thick osteoderm covering has stopped, and the smaller scales that were present on the head have given way to a more elephant-like texture. The arms are lacking in colour, but the claws are sharp, suitable for an apex predator. The legs have the same issues in colour, not being exactly colourful, but what this model lacks in colour, it makes up for in the superficial details. The legs bulge with muscles and the feet are poised in a stable running stance, making the Giganotosaurus look ready to use its salivating rotten jaws to murder another innocent herbivore, or anything that strays in its path. The tail has a natural curve to it that really enhances the feel of this being a real animal. Together with the elephant skin, this really makes this model for me. Also, it has an internal skeleton in order for the legs not to warp. Additionally, there is a base that comes with this figure. There is a real feel feature on this one that feels like something on the Mattel dinosaurs, but much more lifelike.

Measurements-wise, this model is somewhere around 39.5-40 centimeters long and 8-10 centimeters tall, but in reality, when stretched out, it would be around 41 centimeters long. Not quite the hulking beast that we expected, but in reality, this would be around 1:35, the advertised scale. Very unexpected for W-Dragon to make an iconic, mega-sized dinosaur this small, smaller than the rest of their dinosaurs.

The paintwork is clean, and matches well with the Dino Crisis one. Absolutely no faults whatsoever about the paint on this model, except for the fact that maybe the fading could be a little better.

The other complaint I have about this model is that it feels like a cross between an outdated reconstruction and the Dino Crisis Giganotosaurus, but other than that, not much is wrong. While I don’t prefer it to the Nanmu version, which is objectively a better figure in my honest opinion, I do think that this is a very good figure, an objectively good one, and will certainly remind nostalgics of playing Dino Crisis 2. 4.25/5.

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Honestly it is a very good figure, but despite everything smaller than I imagined when I bought it. The most interesting thing is the mutilated and scarred eye is masterfully painted. The base of that great giganotosaurus is also appreciated. The price is one of the most reasonable within the W-Dragon brand and it is made of solid PVC.