Megaloceros (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

4.4 (5 votes)

Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Dinotoyblog

Despite being one of the more famous species of the Pleistocene megafauna, Megaloceros, also known as the Irish elk or giant deer, has fewer toy incarnations in comparison to its peers such as the mammoth and woolly rhino. It may ‘just’ be a giant deer, but its magnificent antlers should be enough of a reason to have more figures of it. Enter Geoworld to try to rectify this. This figure is included in the Jurassic Hunters line, which is inappropriate on two fronts, since Megaloceros is neither Jurassic nor a hunter!

As always, I will start with the information card that all Geoworld figures are packaged with. This is usually where much ire is generated against these figures, as it is one of the major sources of plagiarism. However, in this case, much like several of the other mammal figures in this series, it is just and airbrushed version of the figure itself. The only irritating thing about this is they refer to Megaloceros as the Irish moose, as opposed to elk or deer. Now, I know a moose and an elk are the same thing [in Eurasia, at least. In North America ‘elk’ is used interchangeably with ‘wapiti’ for a large species of deer – Ed.]. However, Megaloceros is certainly no moose as it’s related to red deer. This annoys me, as I’ve never heard it referred to as an Irish Moose anywhere except here. Then again, I may be nit-picking.

Onto the figure proper. It scales at 1:25 (seriously, what is up with Geoworlds scaling system!?) and measures 5.9” wide and the same height (6.4” with the rock it stands on). The colouring is fairly simple but works well, as it seems to match Megaloceros’ modern relatives, the red deer. The stance is a bit troubling. While it looks decent enough, as if gazing over its territory or harem, it does look suspiciously like the original Starlux model. Also, the face is a little bit gawky. It would have looked better if the mouth were closed, otherwise it looks daft.

Now for accuracy. While Geoworld can have issues in this area, this model actually seems to be okay. With modern deer to base it on, the proportions are accurate, the antlers are suitably massive, the tail suitably short and the body well-muscled. The neck could be a little longer, but is altogether rather good.

Although a bit off in terms of stance, this is a fairly good figure, which may be why they are so hard to find, even on DeJankins. I suggest hunting on eBay for a good bargain, $20/£20 at the most, but I do recommend grabbing it if you can, otherwise it’s a tricky hunt for the Bullyland or Starlux versions. Happy hunting!

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Comments 12

  • Not impressed with the antlers so much, spurious extra time projecting back near the ear – no such tine in Megaloceros. Also the leading edge of the rack is not dished enough. When you look at this animal straight on the antlers do not form a horizontal plane. The forked times are too high up, they are much closer to the face, where they protect the eyes in combat. As curator of a large collection of Megaloceros I am still waiting to see a great model of this species. See for skeletons in 3D that illustrate the reality.

  • As an owner of the Bullyland version, I do agree that this version is superior.

  • I can possibly Review some Geoworld figures, and which other companies made Megaloceros?

  • Yes, I know that this is a Geoworld. yet, in hand, this model is far more impressive than the 1/30 scale Bullyland megaloceros. It really is one of Geoworld’s best offerings, in my opinion. It does convey the majesty of this ancient haunter of the Eurasian woodlands.

  • Your review of a Megaloceros figure is a coincidence, especially with the release of the boss Maelstorm 08 the Megaloceros in Jurassic World the game. It is quite a coincidence. Anyways, nice Megaloceros figure, along with the Bullyland Megaloceros.

  • Speaking as a eurasian (oh, that felt weird), I’d much rather call a moose a moose and a wapiti an elk. (when I’m not calling it a wapiti) I’m not sure if ‘elk’ was first applied to european Alces alces, but I also don’t think that nomenclatural* priority applies to common names. Living languages move on.

    * Is that a word?

    Anyways, nice look at the model, thanks. Although, isn’t Megaloceros more closely related to fallow deer…?

  • Unfortunately as you say the megaloceros is an undervalued figure in the toy market. Together I have the megaloceros of Bullyland, of which I have a very good memory. That yes this figure of Geoworld is of the most obtained on the part of that series of figures of prehistoric mammals made by that company.

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