Mononykus (Jurassic World: Dino Escape by Mattel)

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3.2 (15 votes)

Review and photos by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy

Hello once again! Today I, EmperorDinobot shall lead you through a short review. We shall be looking at the differences between the Dino Escape Mononykus repaint and the original version that has been already reviewed here on the blog. Let us jump right in, shall we?

There is not much to be said about the packaging, so let us move on.

They painted the teeth. They actually painted the teeth. They had forgotten to paint the huge, molded teeth before, but now they are painted, and I cannot tell you how much that bothers me. It should bother anyone, really. I do like the orange body and the carmine red feathery overcoat, as well as the white pouch and the white little stripes on the face. I also really liked the striped tail with the more muted brown feathers, but that is about it. Those are the differences between this figure and the other Mononykus, thus taking care of this particular review.

But wait, I do have a few more pictures.

Again, I commend Mattel for giving us some interesting species, and even interesting repaints, but they are not for everyone except kids and completists. As of this writing, one can still find this 7.5 inch long, 3.5 inch tall figure in stores, mostly Kroger-owned stores such as Fred Meyer with a bit of luck. It retails for $9.99 US. At least it is nice to have plenty of Mononykus figures running around the park, even though they are out of scale with all humans and dinosaurs. And do not forget to scan the code and add it to your virtual collection!

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