Once more, we head to the DinoWaurs Survival line, this time investigating a member of the Stegosaurs added to the line, and the first figure of this line I bought: Kentrosaurus. From the Kimmeridgian of Tanzania, this Stegosaur is often thought of as primitive, but recent studies suggest it is more derived and closer related to Stegosaurus itself. With it’s spiked back, it’s not surprising it was included in this line. Let’s take a look!
The figure, as with others in this line, is a single colour, this time a redish colour, with the shading on the wrinkled parts of the skin. It is also as small as the others, at 2.9″ long and 1.3″ from foot to the tip of the tail spike. Speaking of said spikes, the pose is very striking, with a defensive stance, as if facing off against a predator, perfect for a line based on battle.
Onto accuracy, and this is yet another mixed bag. The figure features the smaller front limbs, right head shape and the correct spikes on the latter half of the body, though lacks the proper leaf shaped plates at the front, going for small spikes instead. Another issue is the rather hunched back, owing to the neck being quite low. It’s far too exaggerated for the animal, and looks a bit painful.
This is quite a nice little figure, in spite of it’s inaccuracies. It’s small size works quite well for a youngster among larger lines. I recommend buying from eBay or Dejankins, either buying the figure or testing your luck with blind bags. Good luck!
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