Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd. – 2011 sculpt)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.8 (19 votes)
A number of dinosaurs in the Wild Safari line have been subject to resculpts, but the most famous dinosaur of all is unique in having been revised twice. The iffy original was replaced by an abysmal Jurassic Park-esque affair back in 2006; it was almost reminiscent of the Papo T.

Review: Tyrannosaurus (Great Dinosaurs Collection by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.5 (16 votes)
Tyrannosaurus rex is a dinosaur that needs no introduction from me. Regardless of your knowledge concerning dinosaurs this is one species that everyone is familiar with. Because of its fame it is perhaps the species most reproduced in toy form, for better or worse. This review concerns the treatment of the species by Safari’s Great Dinosaurs Collection; a model that has a lot of misses but a couple surprising hits.

Review: Tenontosaurus (Antediluvia Collection)(David Krentz)

4.2 (5 votes)
The grand history of paleontology puts quite a bit of emphasis on Iguanodon. As a child, I could never understand why people failed to recognize this dinosaur, especially when all the books lavished it with so much attention. It was almost as though they weren’t reading the books at all.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Great Dinosaurs Collection by Safari Ltd)

3 (23 votes)
Review and photos by Gwangi
If you were purchasing dinosaur toys two decades ago there is one family you wouldn’t have seen represented at all, the Therizinosauridae. Though known to science since 1954 it is a family that was very poorly known only until recently. Therizinosaurs represent just how little we know about dinosaurs and how much we still have to learn, who knows what entire families of dinosaurs we’ll find within the next couple decades!

Review: Einiosaurus “Buffalo Bill” (David Krentz)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age:

4.3 (6 votes)
Despite the constant presence of prehistoric collectibles in my shop, it may surprise people to know that I’m not much of a collector. I don’t feel compelled to own most things I see, even the truly awesome things. If space and money were never an issue, I would still exercise restraint.

Review: Apatosaurus (Antediluvia Collection)(David Krentz)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

4.8 (9 votes)
Apatosaurus has come a long way over the years. What was once a sluggish swamp-dwelling behemoth is now more tightly built, with muscular columns of legs supporting a powerful body, graceful neck, and elegant whip-like tail. As the rest of the world struggles to keep pace with the latest paleontological research, David Krentz is always perched on the cutting edge.

Review: Leaellynasaura (Walking with Dinosaurs by Toyway)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

4.7 (10 votes)
Review by Niroot ‘Himmapaan’ Puttapipat
The first reader to name more than three good hypsilophodontid figures gets a bean bun.
The scarcity of this family of dinosaurs in toy and model form is still a puzzle to me and something I’d long lamented. I can’t be alone in prizing neat, understated elegance over the populist vulgarity of teeth and claws, surely?

Review: T. rex Hatchling (Dino Discoveries by Safari)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

2.9 (10 votes)
Review by Patrick Krol
Since I started collecting dinosaur figures I wanted to have dinosaur eggs in my collection, but couldn’t find a good one anywhere. Then, when I discovered about the foreign museum lines through internet, I found out that Safari had done some hatchling dinosaurs and they were soon in my “things to buy” list.

Review: Hyaenodon (AAA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: , , Type:

3.5 (8 votes)
Review and photos by Mihnea (Wildheart)
Existing for approximately 26 million years, Hyaenodonts were some of the largest predators of the Late Eocene and Early Miocene epochs. Their name comes from the sharp hyena-like teeth used to tear apart possible prey. The skulls of these animals were huge and well equipped for hunting, but their brains were quite small, something typical in primitive carnivorous mammals.

Review: Amargasaurus (Desktop model by Favorite Co. Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.4 (8 votes)
Most sauropods tend to more or less look similar; big body, long neck long tail. Rarely will a sauropod possess any distinguishing characteristics beyond those three things. Then there is Amargasaurus. This dinosaur was a smaller (relatively speaking) sauropod from the early Cretaceous in what is now Argentina.

Review: Woolly rhinoceros (AAA)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

2.9 (11 votes)
Everyone familiar with Pleistocene fauna is familiar with the woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis), a large shaggy rhino that lived in Eurasia and died out at the end of the Ice Age. It is often reproduced in toy form, only less so that the more popular mammoths and Smilodon.

Review: Rhoetosaurus (CollectA)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

3.1 (7 votes)
Review by Nathan, edited by Plesiosauria.
Rhoetosaurus brownei was an Australian sauropod that lived around the mid-Jurassic Period and is one of the oldest known sauropods. Little evidence has been found for this dinosaur, only a partial hind leg, some vertebrae, ribs, and pelvic elements are known, yet CollectA decided to release one as part of their standard collection back in 2009.
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