Review: Compsognathus corallestris (Monster in my Pocket by Matchbox)

3.3 (17 votes)

I have a doozy for you today, a remarkable figure of C. corallestris, a semi-aquatic species of Compsognathus with fin-like hands. At least, that’s what palaeontologists thought when they described the type specimen in 1972. The interpretation didn’t last long though.

Review: Rauisuchus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Epic Evolution Danger Pack by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

4.2 (18 votes)

Rauisuchus is a genus of pseudosuchian that lived in the late Triassic of what is now Brazil. It is also the latest pseudosuchian and Triassic taxa offered from Mattel, who has miraculously produced more of these animals than any other toy company I can think of.

Review: Iguanodon (Margarinefiguren by Wagner)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Scale:

2.9 (18 votes)

Sometimes in our clamour for the most spectacular, expensive, hot new dinosaur figures, we can forget there’s still plenty of joy to be found in plain, cheap, cool old dinosaur figures. And you can’t get cheaper than free! The German Margarinefiguren, or Margarine Figures, by Wagner, came free with packets of ‘butter’ (and maybe other products, I don’t know) in the 1950s.

Review: Atopodentatus (version 1) (Paleo-Creatures)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

3.8 (15 votes)

I’m fascinated by how depictions of prehistoric animals change over time in the face of new evidence. This is the theme of my recent children’s book, The Tyrannosaur’s Feathers, which focusses on T. rex as a case study for this ‘make-over’ phenomenon.

Review: Kronosaurus (‘daddy’/Kronos)(Dinosaurs and Friends by De Agostini)

4.1 (17 votes)

The DinoToyBlog has evolved over the years, much like the prehistoric creatures we review. Articles here are more substantial now than ever before. The average word count has increased, the number of photographs has gone up, and the scientific rigour has shot through the roof.

Review: Kentrosaurus (Jurassic World Dino-Trackers, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)

Genus: Brand: , , Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.6 (14 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.

Today we’re looking at the Captivz Kentrosaurus…again. Yes, this is a figure that I already reviewed.

Review: Megaraptor (Haolonggood)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

5 (39 votes)

Unlike most other prehistoric toy companies, the vast majority of Haolonggood’s dinosaurs have been herbivorous ones thus far. And the carnivores that they have tackled are mostly genera that have already been done by many of those same other companies: Allosaurus, Baryonyx, Carnotaurus, Daspletosaurus, Dilophosaurus, etc.

Review: Irritator (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Wild Roar by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

4.3 (22 votes)

Last year was an exciting year for Irritator! Not only did we get two new figures by Mattel, but we also got a new study looking at the jaw articulation of Professor Challenger’s Irritating creature from Brazil! Join me, Emperor Dinobot, as we look at one of the most interesting figures Mattel has given us thus so far, barring the lack of accuracy and focusing on the artistic license given to this swampy animal!

News: Upcoming releases from Mattel (New for 2025)(Pt.2)

4.3 (14 votes)

Among the Jurassic World toys for next year are these four from the Danger Pack series. First up is a repack of the 2022 Ferocious Pack Dimetrodon.

Next up, a repaint of the 2022 Dsungaripterus.

Here’s where it gets really interesting: Lophostropheus, a French coelophysoid that lived during the boundary between the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic.

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