Parasaurolophus (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

2.4 (10 votes)

Of all the Hadrosaurs, Parasaurolophus is by far the most commonly produced in toy lines. It’s flashy headpiece is likely the main reason, as the rest of the body is somewhat lacklustre. Sizeable, but not the most interesting. The crest is where it’s at, with the function and skin attachments being a major source of debate. Here is one made by the rather infamous Geoworld. How did it come out? Let’s see…….

First, we look at the fact card. All Geoworld models come with one, and are a major gripe, as they are often a source of plagiarism (the other being the figure itself, but we’ll get there). This was made after Geoworld was bought out and saved from liquidation, so the fact card shows a picture based off the colouration of the model, if subdued, looking quite good.

To the figure! The black, blue and orange is a little bright, to say the least, but Geoworld has produced far more eye-meltingly bright colour schemes for their figures. The pose is an upright one, as if reaching for leaves to eat. The pose isn’t immediately comparable to other models, but research does show it is a bit similar to the old CollectA model, with the hand and head positions altered slightly. It measures 4.5″ tall and 4.6″ long, scaling to 1:50 (Would it kill to have more consistent scales here!?!?).

Now, accuracy is a large bed bug for Geoworld figures, and this has a few. The hands, though changed, are now in a position I am unsure it can actually do. The back isn’t raised for neural spines as much as it could be. Not entirely convinced by the claws either. Otherwise, the rest is in reasonably close to the fossils, though this may come down to the fact it looks like a slightly altered copy of another figure.

While not the worst offender of the Geoworld models, this one doesn’t come up smelling of roses either. The dubious nature of it’s originality and the slightly louder colour scheme certainly aren’t gonna win over collectors, though it would fair better with children I think. It is around, so it can be easy to pick up, but there are much better examples of Parasaurolophus out there.

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