Pterygotus (Dinotales series 7 by Kaiyodo)

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5 (8 votes)

Kaiyodo has to be one of the best prehistoric animal lines out there. At a small size, they gave us a wide spread of species from across earth history in glorious detail and beautiful paint schemes. Today’s review shows just this: Pterygotus, a Silurian Sea Scorpion, one of the largest arthropods ever known, reaching a body length of 5.7 ft. Though this has technically been reviewed, but I felt this needed a closer look. The real question is, does the small size of Kaiyodo figures constitute a detriment to the species, or does size matter not? Let’s see!

To the figure itself! The texture, details and paint are exquisite, the colour scheme a feast for the eyes while not going too cartoonish or over the top to feel it would fit a living creature. The pose works well, as if about to grasp it’s prey. Really reminds me of pictures of Pterygotus I have seen in books (just without prey in hand here). This, as I said, is a small figure, measuring 3.3″ long and 1.4″ wide, so is only going to fit with other small scaled lines.

With accuracy in Kaiyodo lines, you are expecting it to be very close to the fossil evidence. From all the evidence I can find, this is spot on, from limb placement to the tail shape. The only (very) minor detraction I can find is that the pincer claws are a little too even, but that is the nittiest of nit picks. All round, this is an accurate model.

As I said, Kaiyodo provide a high quality to their figures, and this is no exception to this. A beautiful sculpt, colour scheme and high accuracy come together to make a figure that is very easy to recommend for any collection. EBay is your best bet for finding this and, for a reasonable price, is well worth it.

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