The last two reviews dealt with a Jurassic Park – inspired dinosaur and a new Schleich release. So here is your perfect synthesis, a review of Schleich´s new Velociraptor. It is way better than their last Velociraptor, but this was not difficult to achieve, to be honest. First Schleich Veliciraptor looked goofy and clumsy. It was an unlucky attempt of a company that does so well with recent animals but mostly fails with extinct ones.
To put it bluntly: Schleich did better with their new raptor, but this is not due to their own creativity. They just boldly copied Papo and awkwardly covered the traces…
Thinking of my next paragraph, I start to yawn, so I simply do not write it. It would be about all the boring “JP Velociraptor was not a Velociraptor” stuff and I could also list all the similarities and differences between Schleich´s and Papos interpretation, but I don´t want to. The pictures speak for themselves. Very often I would also write “see Tyrantqueen´s excellent former review”.
But I don´t want to bore you. So just a few facts:
• It is exactly as long as Papo´s Velociraptor, but a little smaller for it´s not in an upright pose.
• Yes, it has got a moveable jaw. Good idea, fits Schleich neatly, too.
• Very light material, unusual for Schleich, reminds me rather at Bullyland.
• Skilfully Schleich managed to hide this “Velociraptor” is tripod.
• Yes, this Velociraptor bears feathers, but only at the arms. The skin pattern is not clear about what it wants to represent, small feathers or scales.
This Velociraptor is not too bad, honestly I like it. It´s quite good, compared to the many sculpting crimes Schleich commited. Unfortunately it is not a raptor. And Schleich has to take the responsibility for their latest bold copying politics.
It is way better than Bullyland´s latest Deomaeosaurid or the Collect/A hasty reaction.
All this plusses and minuses aside, my opinion becomes clear after I have told you the following story. On the price label it said “4,49 €”, and I thought “That´s value for money” and bought it. At the cash it said “8,79€”. I was surprised; I would not have bought it for this price, had I known it before. But did not want to make a fuzz, so I bought it, however. Out of the shop it came to my mind that the price label I had looked at could have referred to the first, goofy Schleich raptor that stood on the shelf, too…
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[…] in the hidden one arm down tripod pose, comparable to the large Safari Velociraptor and the Schleich WOH Velociraptor. At least its wrist isn’t broken like its fellow original line Wild Safari pal, […]
[…] been repainted and therefore are billed on the box as “exclusives.” The Velociraptor is the same sculpt released by Schleich in 2011 with a new paint job. Previous reviews have dealt with it more thoroughly, but briefly, it lacks […]
I know the velociraptor and its cousins pretty well. And I have found no evidence anywhere that there are feathers or at least as many as people keep saying in the toy manufacturers. I have spoken to paleontologist and meuseums and they confirm with me that Raptors or these type of dinosaurs have no evidence of feathers. There are no focilised impressions of feathers on Raptor skin or Raptor skin of any kind to suggest there ever where feathers! There are focilised impressions of other dinosaur skin that have been found and none of it shows feathers! So why do I see toys of Raptors covered in feathers like freeken birds? It’s just not real, true or practical. Stop supporting this fictional idea.
[…] fact, it might just be the best Velociraptor toy out there at the moment, knocking Schleich’s bingo-winged monstrosity into a cocked hat and even besting Collecta’s comparatively decent effort. Why, there’s […]
[…] dream about while sighing wearily and averting your gaze as you encounter Schleich’s hideous ‘World of UnHistory’ model in shop after shop after shop – it is nevertheless a huge step in the right direction, and far […]
Can’t believe that Schleich is taking this figure to be their best Velociraptor made , it’s no here near to that of a proper Velociraptor model, it’s indeed a JP ripp-off alright.
I have nothing against JP, but it does kinda sadden me to see cheaper dino toyy brands do this just to envy the franchise.
Imo this is one of the utmost ugliest Velociraptor models I have seen so far, Sad Face.
Good review though Liberator, no worries there 😉
I’d like to add: Schleich have released some bird figures recently that are actually very good. This ‘rebranding’ of their prehistoric line would’ve been a great opportunity to introduce a properly feathered dromaeosaur – they could’ve utilised the sculpting expertise of the people behind their bird figures. I’m not convinced that a feathered dromaeosaur wouldn’t sell, the public are familiar with them now.
Horrible, horrible figure. Once again, a ‘poor man’s Papo’. Except the Papo one is actually a similar price.
Also: there’s no WAY this is better than the most recent Bullyland and Collecta figures! Sure, they have their flaws, but at least they were decent (feathered!) attempts at creating figures of the actual animal, rather than the JP creature.
Yes, it does have an underbite!
I think i know why it has one.
it so it could be opend easiear without damageing the paint
Is it me or does this figure have a slight underbite?
I suppose it does at least have a straight tail rather than a flexible bendy one 😛
It fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Estoy de acuerdo con las críticas es una sublime chapuza, y una mala copia del Velociraptor de Papo. Pero esto es lo que hay por ahora en la empresa Schleich. ¡Horrible!