Review: Ankylosaurus (Playskool Heroes Jurassic World, by Hasbro)

1.4 (7 votes)

When you think of the toys made for Jurassic World by Hasbro, there are  probably a lot of colorful adjectives that pop into your head .  I warn you not utter them out loud as there are preschool toys present.  One word I did not hear many people say about the toy line was “fun”. 

Review: Gigantspinosaurus (Prehistoric World by CollectA)

4.5 (17 votes)
It’s no secret that the stegosauria were an odd bunch of dinosaurs, one that we perhaps take for granted given the popularity of one genus in particular; Stegosaurus. But Stegosaurus is but one of many, and for whatever reason the other genera of this unique clade have never gained in popularity like the admittedly charismatic Stegosaurus.

Review: Stegosaurus (Version 1)(Recur)

4.3 (23 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
When it comes to dinosaur toy lines, Stegosaurus is almost always a necessity. So when Recur first created their line of soft toys for kids, they were sure to include the plated lizard. There are currently two different versions to choose from and today I will be reviewing the first one, made back in 2015.

Review: Ankylosaurus (2011 Imaginext by, Fisher-Price)

3.4 (7 votes)

Warning:  If you are a serious collector and only interested in dinosaur toys that are prime examples of their species with impeccable accuracy, amazing detail, colors, and are brilliant works of paleo art, you may want to skip this review, as this figure is lacking in those key areas. 

Review: Brachiosaurus 1993 ( Replica-Saurus, by Schleich)

4.5 (6 votes)

To help set the mood, lets take a moment and imagine ourselves walking among the fern covered floodplains in the late Jurassic.  A muddy stream meanders and snakes across the landscape. There are green spreading fronds of tree ferns, along with cycads and gingkoes. There are numerous tall conifers. 

Review: Prehistoric Marine Tube (CollectA)

4.9 (12 votes)

CollectA has emerged as one of the most prolific producers of dinosaur figures, with a few other Mesozoic reptiles and some mammals here and there for variety. They’ve developed a reputation for giving some obscure species the plastic treatment, but in general those species have been fairly close relatives of the old standards.

Review: Kentrosaurus (Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

4.6 (8 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
Kentrosaurus is one of those dinosaurs that almost everyone in this community has heard of, as it’s basically a cousin of Stegosaurus with more spikes and spines coming out of its shoulders. It may have been smaller than Stegosaurus, but that did not mean that it was not potentially dangerous, as the animal had enough spikes to take on even the largest of predators.

Review: Saichania (Small)(Schleich)

3.3 (12 votes)
Saichania, meaning “the beautiful one” in Mongolian, derives its name from the magnificent state of preservation the type specimen was found in. Like Ankylosaurus and Euoplocephalus, it was covered in heavy armour and bore a large club at the end of its tail. But whereas its North American relatives inhabited lush forests and floodplains, Saichania was adapted for the harsh life of the desert.

Review: Spinosaurus (Small)(Recur)

4.5 (22 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
Today’s review is of the Recur Spinosaurus released back in 2015 (according to the year printed on the belly). As a modern take on the species, this model is a pretty decent replica, and a stark contrast to the Tyrannosaurus I recently reviewed from the same line.

Review: Velociraptor (Blue Version)(Papo)

3.2 (14 votes)
Ah, Velociraptor. Thanks to its starring role in the Jurassic Park franchise, it is arguably the second most popular dinosaur after Tyrannosaurus rex. But the funny thing is, it might never have become so famous had it not been for a taxonomic error in a certain book: Predatory Dinosaurs of the World.
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