Review: Dearc (Deluxe by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.4 (61 votes)

Discovered in the Lealt Shale Formation on the Isle of Skye in Scotland in 2017, Dearc sgiathanach (pronounced ‘jark ski-a-naw-ka’) was a Middle Jurassic rhamphorhynchine pterosaur, and quite a large one at that. Its precise size is uncertain, but the estimated wingspan is between 1.9 and 3.8 metres, which makes it the largest known aligerous animal of its time as well as one of the largest known rhamphorhynchids.

Review: Medusaceratops (‘Fan’s Choice’ version, Beasts of the Mesozoic Ceratopsian Series by Creative Beast Studio)

Medusaceratops figure sitting like on the package art

4.3 (51 votes)

This figure is technically a repaint of the original sculpt, but since it wasn’t reviewed here yet, I feel I might as well give some background on the production of it. For starters, Raul Ramos initially sculpted a 3D model of the skull (first revealed on July 6 2019), which was then printed and served as a base, for sculptor Simon Panek to use for the final flesh reconstruction of the figure (revealed July 8, 2019).

Review: Dilophosaurus & Dracovenator (Dinosaurs &Co. by De Agostini)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

2.8 (24 votes)

Would you like a side of miniatures with your rubber monsters?

Not every dinosaur toy is equal. Not every absence of inaccuracy means inaccuracies are absent. Dilophosaurus is frequently plagued by imaginary features ingrained into pop culture due to a certain Universal/Spielberg blockbuster; but just because a toy of the two-crested reptile eschews the frills doesn’t mean the rest of the design gets a free pass.

Review: Dilophosaurus Ambush (Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary by LEGO)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

4 (26 votes)

“Season’s greetings, fellow dinosaur lovers! Yes, it is us once again, Dr. Bella Bricking and my invaluable partner Beth Buildit, here to share some comfort and joy with the reviewing of yet another Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary set!”

“I can barely see with this thing on, Doc!”

“Let’s stick to the script, if you please, Beth.

Review: Xuanhanosaurus (Jurassic World Dino Trackers Danger Pack by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.8 (43 votes)

I, Emperor Dinobot, recently posited a question around, and it was the following: Could Mattel be designing dinosaur figures and naming them afterwards? We already have an example: Roarivores Sinoceratops is actually a Pachyrhinosaurus, but it got a name change due to the fact that Universal wanted to market Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom to the massive Chinese audience, and Pachyrhinosaurus was substituted by Sinoceratops, a dinosaur which represented China.

News: Upcoming release from Mojo Fun (New for 2024)(Pt. 2)

News Category: Brand:

1.6 (43 votes)

Well, it turns out that Mojo Fun does technically have some brand new prehistoric figures in store for 2024. Like those from CollectA and Papo, the miniatures in this tube are all based on preexisting larger figures, and older ones at that. You’ve got Ankylosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Mandschurosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Pteranodon, Smilodon, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and the woolly mammoth.

Review: Carnotaurus (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Hammond Collection by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.2 (69 votes)

Mattel loves Carnotaurus. Our friends at have catalogued 22 Carnotaurus figures for Mattel’s Jurassic World line, but that number includes the minis, Snap Squad, and similar toys too, and their various repaints and repackages. Either way, the company has still produced an impressive array of Carnotaurus toys.

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