Apatosaurus (Invicta)

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4.5 (29 votes)

“All brontosauruses are thin at one end; much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.” – a theory by Anne Elk (Miss)

The Apatosaurus (formerly known as Brontosaurus) by Invicta provides strong evidence for Miss Anne Elk’s theory; this figure is indeed much thicker in the middle, and thinner at both ends.

Apatosaurus Invicta

I like the Invicta set because, despite increasing anatomical (mostly posture related) errors, they are all so finely sculpted and stunningly natural in posture. The Invicta Apatosaurus has its tail dragging along the ground and the head raised high, contrasting with modern reconstructions which portray the tail and neck held roughly horizontally. The nostrils are positioned quite far back, recent evidence suggests that the nostrils in all dinosaurs were positioned more anteriorly in the narial cavity, and the teeth would probably have been visible too.

Apatosaurus Invicta

The back is strongly arched and forms a beautiful natural curve, and the tail has been sculpted with a slight undulation, adding to the naturalistic pose. The details are very fine (see some close up details of the head and rear right foot, pictured below), the shape and distribution of claws is very true to the fossils bones. The figure is posed in mid-stride, so although it is old fashioned in general appearance, it does not appear sluggish, this Apatosaurus is on a mission to find food!

Apatosaurus Invicta

The majority of the Invicta line were produced at a standard scale (1:45) and as such, the sauropod figures are the largest (and most expensive) in the collection. The Apatosaurus is about 45cm long. I have figured the plain colour version here (a pale white gray), but a softer plastic colour version was also produced. Still occasionally available in some British Museums, and sometimes available on Ebay.

Apatosaurus Invicta

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