Fleet Footed Dinosaur/Fulgurotherium (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

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2.8 (5 votes)

Speculation makes up a lot of palaeontology. Often it’s behaviour, or diet, but sometimes it can be what the entire creature actually looked like, based on the fragments of bone found. Many a species has been erected based on the tiniest fragments. Here, we see one such example: Fulgurotherium, a dinosaur species based off a opalized femur from the Griman Creek formation of New South Wales, Australia. Let’s take a look.

To the figure itself! It measure 2.6″ long, 1.6″ high and 0.6″ wide, so small, but could fit with a lot of lines, as this is a small dinosaur. It’s very alert, maybe it’s on lookout duty. There is a little wiggle to the head and tail, but not enough to give decent motion. This results in an unfortunate tripod stance. It’s mostly blue, with a red and yellow underbelly. Very eye catching and colourful.

On a species based on as little material as this is, to the point where it may be a nomen dubium, accuracy is hard to gauge, so gonna base this on general ornithopod features. While it has the slim, swift profile, there are a few odd points. The head is raised too much, almost to the point of being like a pachycephlosaur. The result of a tripod stance is an inaccurate kangaroo pose and the hands are pronated. Not a great one.

This is the only model made of this speculative creature, but even then, I can’t recommend this model. It has too many flaws to be worth getting in my opinion. It is discontinued, so eBay is your best bet, but you won’t miss much by skipping it.

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