Brand: Lost Kingdoms

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Review: Allosaurus (The Lost Kingdoms, Series A, by Yowie)

2.5 (6 votes)
Review and photos by Brontozaurus, edited by Plesiosauria.
The existence of an Australian allosaurid is based on an ankle bone discovered in the sea cliffs of Cape Paterson in south-eastern Australia, near the famous Dinosaur Cove site. This bone was referred to the genus Allosaurus; if it really is a species of Allosaurus then it’s not only a small species (estimated to have been around 6 metres in length), but it’s also a very late surviving species, as it came from Early Cretaceous rocks, whereas other Allosaurus species were from the Jurassic.

Review: Atlascopcosaurus (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

3.7 (6 votes)

Once more, we take a look at another Yowie model of an ancient creature based on a slim evidence. In this case though, it does have better basis than others. Here, we see Atlascopcosaurus, an animal based on dentary found from early Cretaceous strata of Dinosaur cove, Australia.

Review: Austrosaurus (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

2.4 (5 votes)

Across the globe, the bones of mighty giants of the ancient world are waiting to be found. The largest of the land animals are the Titanosaurs, giant sauropods found across the globe. Here, we examine one early titan from Australia, Austrosaurus, a 5 metre tall sauropod found in the Albian rocks of Queensland.

Review: Ceratopsian Dinosaur/Serendipaceratops (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

3.5 (4 votes)

A lot of fossil species are erected by the slimmest of evidence, be it a toe bone, vertebrae or something else. This can make it very hard to discern where they fit into the scheme of life. This review’s subject, Serendipaceratops, is such an example, known only from a single leg bone, the ulna specifically.

Review: Cohen’s Thingodonta/ Yalkaparidon (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4 (4 votes)

There aren’t many animals in the world known by their scientific name as opposed to a common name, yet the palaeo world seems to only use them, unless they are particularly well known, like the Woolly Mammoth or T. rex. That’s why I love this particular model, of an animal named Yalkaparidon (from the Aboriginal word for boomerang, based on the animals molar shape), but referred to in the common lexicon as Cohen’s Thingadonta, which is a brilliant name.

Review: Coiled-Toothed Shark/Helicoprion (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

3.4 (5 votes)

Evolution has thrown out some wonderful oddities across time life has existed on earth. The shark family has shown some incredible adaptations leaning towards the bizarre. From early examples like Stethacanthus, to the modern species, like the Hammerhead and Saw shark. One of the more bizarre sharks known from the fossil record, found Asia, Australia, North America and Eastern Europe: Helicoprion, with it’s weird tooth whorls.

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Review: Deltasaurus (Lost Kingdoms series B by Yowie)

2.8 (5 votes)

Before the rise of crocodillians, the water ways were filled with a different kind of predator: giant amphibians. Though they were out competed by crocodillians and the only giant amphibian left is the Japanese Giant Salamander, they have left evidence of the greatness they once had. There aren’t many figures of giant ancient amphibian, though Yowie clearly tried to alter this.

Review: Diprotodon (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

3.3 (4 votes)

Marsupials are a fascinating group of mammals. With the ability to have multiple young at once and pouches to keep them safe. They have been around for millions of years, now restricted to Australia and South America. Australia once had the largest member of this class: Diprotodon, a giant Wombat relative the size of rhinos, they died out 50,000 years ago, just as the first Aborigines came to Australia.

Review: Dromornis (Yowies Lost Kingdom)

4.7 (6 votes)

Travelling through the wonderful world of Oz (as the Aussies tend to call their country) one sure plans some things before starting. I deceided to cramp a few toy figures into a box to take on the chance to shoot some of them in their “natural environment” – at least kind of, Australia sure changed a fair bit since most of the represented animals went extinct.

Review: Eric the Pliosaur/Umoonasaurus (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

3.5 (4 votes)

Fossil discoveries can often turn up in the most unlikely places. From quarries to Chinese medicine shops, fossils may appear where least expected. This was the case for the species Umoonasaurus, better known as Eric the Pliosaur. The bones of this animal had not only fossilized, but opalized, making them appear like jewels, hence why they were nearly sold to a jewellery shop, if it hadn’t been sold to a business man.

Review: Flat-headed Amphibian/Siderops (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

3.3 (3 votes)

Even amongst collectors Yowie isn’t a well known company I dare say, so here’s a short introduction… Yowie is an Australian publishing brand that developed the mythical Yowie kingdom with stories and toys concentrating mostly on the Australian fauna. In the mid 90’s Yowie approached the British confectionery company Cadbury with the idea to market the toys with sweets as a vehicle.

Review: Fleet Footed Dinosaur/Fulgurotherium (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

2.8 (5 votes)

Speculation makes up a lot of palaeontology. Often it’s behaviour, or diet, but sometimes it can be what the entire creature actually looked like, based on the fragments of bone found. Many a species has been erected based on the tiniest fragments. Here, we see one such example: Fulgurotherium, a dinosaur species based off a opalized femur from the Griman Creek formation of New South Wales, Australia.

Review: Flexiraptor/Pengana (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

4 (4 votes)

The Riversliegh formation in Queensland is a heritage site for good reason, it gives us a fascinating glimpse into the ancient past of Australia, full of magnificent marsupials and brilliant birds, plus a bunch of bats! The fossils show how Australia once was, full of rainforests and the animals inhabiting the area are amazing.

Review: Fossil Whale/Mammalodon (Yowie Lost Kingdoms, Series B)

3.5 (4 votes)

Recently, a thought occurred to me. I’ve been reviewing ancient fauna for several years but, in spite of having a user name based on ancient cetacea, I have yet to review a fossil whale. Time to change that with none other than THE fossil whale. At least, what Yowie refer to as a fossil whale, Mammalodon.

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