Review: Dilophosaurus and Stegosaurus (die-cast metal dinosaurs)(Jurassic Park by Kenner)

4.6 (5 votes)

To my surprise, there are still figures that were released as tie-ins with the original Jurassic Park film in 1993 that lack reviews here, including the die-cast metal dinosaurs line by Kenner, who of course made the main action-figure line for the film as well.

Review: Lophostropheus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Danger Pack by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

3.6 (5 votes)

Lophostropheus is a coelophysoid theropod known from the boundary between the late Triassic and early Jurassic. It is known from a single tooth, a handful of vertebrae from the neck, back, and tail, some pelvic material, and an unidentified fragment. Such scant remains practically guaranteed a toy of Lophostropheus from Mattel, and here we are.

Review: Iguanodon (UKRD)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,

3.2 (5 votes)

This is my first review as an author rather than guest reviewer at this blog, so I’ll start out with a classic figure, the UKRD Iguanodon from 1992. Iguanodon of course has the distinction of being the second named dinosaur genus (after Megalosaurus), and has remained relatively famous for a non-American dinosaur, even being the protagonist of a film, Disney’s Dinosaur.

Review: Saichania (Haolonggood)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type: Scale:

5 (6 votes)

There’s no palookas in this bout, folks, only two young fighters thirsting for glory! On the left, weighing in at 4,435 lbs, the Spiked Smasher, Cuff! And on the right, weighing in at 4,501 lbs, the Destroyer of the Dunes, Clout! Who will emerge victorious?

Review: Atopodentatus (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: Scale:

4.2 (5 votes)

Although I’ve reviewed a number of these Yowie figures there’s one above all others that I’ve been wanting to obtain, the Atopodentatus, and I guess the 12th times the charm! Although listed as “common” on the Yowie rarity chart it had frustratingly eluded me for two months.

Video: Paleoart Murals in the Paleozoological Museum of China

5 (3 votes)

Overviews of three large murals on display in the Paleozoological Museum of China. These huge historical artworks were painted in 1994. They were recently described by myself and others in the journal Geoconservation Research. For more information see:

Wang, Q., Wang Y. and Smith, A.S. 2024. Atmospheric Paleoart: A Case Study of the Murals in the Paleozoological Museum of China. Geoconservation Research. 7(2), 072409.

There are lots of figures of the artworks in the paper but the murals are long and narrow so it’s difficult to appreciate them as a whole. That’s why I created this video to help show them off.

Review: Iguanodon (Ultimate Dinosaurs by Yowie Group)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (3 votes)

What set of “ultimate dinosaurs” wouldn’t include the second dinosaur described by science? Although hardly obscure I wouldn’t exactly call Iguanodon popular either so any new figures of it should warrant some attention and a time to shine on the Dinosaur Toy Blog.

Review: Parasaurolophus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Captivz Build N’ Battle Dinos by ToyMonster)

Genus: Brand: , , Classification: , Age: Type: Scale:

4.3 (4 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to thank the generous folks over at ToyMonster, for sending me a large selection of Captivz figures to share with the blog.

In S01E06 of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous we were introduced to Parasaurolophus lux.

Review: Triceratops (Small World Importing)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: ,

4.2 (6 votes)

I cannot believe it, my 300th review! How can it be that a single person has written 300 toy dinosaur reviews in 13 years? Well, aside from just enjoying it I also write reviews as a distraction from the trials of life, and anyone that has been paying attention to current events over the last several years will understand why my output has been so large lately!

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