Review: Tuojiangosaurus (Jurassic World Epic Evolution, Strike Attack by Mattel)

3.5 (29 votes)

Mattel really likes the Shaximiao Formation, a middle to late Jurassic formation located in China. They’ve released many dinosaurs known from the Shaximiao, including Chialingosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Gasosaurus, and Yangchuanosaurus. Today we’re looking at their latest addition to this assortment, the Tuojiangosaurus, part of Mattel’s Epic Evolution line.

Review: Plotosaurus (Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company)

3.4 (26 votes)

Review and photos by Torvosaurus, edited by Suspsy

Howdy from wonderful, windy Wyoming! Today we’ll take a look at the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit(HLBS) Plotosaurus. This figure was made in 2000 or 2001. I believe this is the first review of thisspecies, however, so an introduction to the species is appropriate.

Review: Skiaraptor (Eldrador by Schleich)

3.4 (28 votes)

One of the most unusual and frightening members of the dromaeosaur family, Skiaraptor kakos (“evil shadow raptor”) was first discovered in the African nation of Zamunda by the distinguished scholar Professor Cuthbert Calculus. Subsequent remains have turned up in Birani, Equatorial Kundu, Kijuju, and Wadiya, indicating that the species ranged throughout the continent during the Middle Cretaceous.

Review: Triceratops (Bite Club by Mattel)

3.9 (26 votes)

Without much fanfare, late 2023 saw the release of a whole new line of Jurassic World products from Mattel. Dubbed Bite Club (Get it? Like Fight Club?), these figures are sculpted in the chibi style that is common in anime and manga. The chibi art style originates in Japan.

Review: Allosaurus (Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company)

3 (23 votes)

Review and photos by Torvosaurus, edited by Suspsy

Howdy from wonderful, windy Wyoming! Today we’ll take a look at the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit (HLBS) Allosaurus. This model is okay until you get to the head, which will be analyzed below. It isn’t one of HLBS’s best models, but not quite the worst either.

News: Upcoming release from Eofauna (New for 2024)(Update)

4.4 (47 votes)

Eofauna announced earlier today that production of their Tyrannosaurus SUE figure is at last complete and that it is en route to their warehouse with a projected arrival date of May. Check out the detail in that huge and lethal mouth. Better than the usual straight pink that we’re accustomed to seeing in theropod mouths.

Review: Gryposuchus (Jurassic World Epic Evolution, Wild Roar by Mattel)

4.4 (31 votes)

Now here’s something unprecedented from Mattel. No, not a prehistoric pseudosuchian most people have never heard of. Mattel likes those, and this is that too. What makes this one unique is that it represents an animal that lived during the Cenozoic. The era immediately following the Mesozoic and the one in which we’re currently living.

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt. 3)

4.4 (19 votes)

Haolonggood has released a most exciting teaser image of upcoming products. Check it out!

They have not officially released any names, but the genera appear to be:

Top row, left to right: Mamenchisaurus, Huayangosaurus, Amargasaurus, Camarasaurus, Tarchia.

Middle row, left to right: Gastonia, Euoplocephalus, Maiasaura, Stegosaurus, Edmontosaurus.

Review: Elasmosaurus (Jurassic World: Gigantic Trackers by Mattel)

4.3 (32 votes)

One of the biggest and admittedly funniest fiascos in paleontological history involved the legendary American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope and the famous plesiosaur Elasmosaurus platyurus. The latter’s fossil remains were first discovered in 1867 in the Pierre Shale Formation of Kansas and formally described by Cope in 1869.

Review: Spinosaurus (Monster In My Pocket by Matchbox, Series 6)

2.3 (18 votes)

After four series the Monster in my Pocket line began to run out of actual monsters to make, and began to take inspiration from the real world instead. Series five was a line of ‘Super Creepies’, essentially an array of extant bugs and other creepy crawlies, and series six turned its attention to dinosaurs in 1993 – that’s the line we’re all interested in here.

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