Review: Stegosaurus (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Action Attack by Mattel)
Review: Dusty the Diplocaulus (Paleo Pals)
Dr. Robert Bakker was speaking more literally than figuratively when making the above statement regarding the genus in question (he has excavated numerous fossils of this particular animal), but there is also a genuine seal of approval in there from the esteemed paleontologist.
Review: Triceratops (Roarivores)(Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)
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Review and photos by Emperor Dinobot, edited by Suspsy
Continuing with my reviews of the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Roarivores, we now have the Triceratops!
Review: Uintatherium (Wild Safari Prehistoric World, by Safari Ltd.)
Uintatherium was among the largest land animals in one of the stranger groups of large mammals that lived during the Eocene. Its flat and strongly built skull is quite the trophy as it is strange and bizarre. The skull is adorned with six long paired knobs that protruded from its nose, forehead, and from the back of its head.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (2015)(Mojö Fun)
Review: Belemnit (Bullyland)
Review: Metriacanthosaurus (Roarivores)(Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)
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Review and photos by Emperor Dinobot, edited by Suspsy
The relatively obscure Metriacanthosaurus mysteriously popped up in Jurassic Park while Nedry was stealing dinosaur embryos from the cryogenic lab.
Review: Anzu (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)
Review: Allosaurus (Soft Model Series 1 by Favorite Co. Ltd.)
Review: Steppe Mammoth (Eofauna)
Review: Baryonyx (Roarivores)(Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)
They’re here! They’re finally here! The long awaited line of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom figures by Mattel! Ever since the first pictures to emerge, fans of the franchise and of the toys have been touting them as “better” than Hasbro’s much criticized line of JW dinosaur figures.