Carrying on with our series of Marx reviews next up is that most popular of ornithopods, Parasaurolophus. Like the previously reviewed Styracosaurus this figure is part of the Second Series Mold Group, PL-1083. This mold group was the most recent and last from Marx, produced in 1961.
Review: Giant Moa (Signatu Studio)
Back in 2015, after finishing my Palaeontology degree and wanting to keep a grip on news in that field, I discovered a toy site that seemed quite interesting. Several months later, I bit the bullet and posted my first review. The rest is history, and now I have reached a major milestone, my 100th review!
Review: Pteranodon (Zuru)
Review and photographs by stargatedalek, edited by Suspsy.
It’s been a long time since I’ve submitted a review to the DTB, and I’m back with something rather unusual. Zuru is a company that makes novelty, largely animal-themed toys that are a sizable presence among toy aisles at most brick and mortar department stores.
Review: Gasosaurus (Jurassic World Battle Damage by Mattel)
I am always impressed when toy lines, no matter how big or small, creates figures of species rarely seen or never before seen on the market. The Jurassic World/Park has done this several times, and continues to do so. Here, we are looking at one such recent example, Gasosaurus, a theropod from the Mid-Jurassic of Sichuan, and honours the gasoline company that found the fossil sight.
Review: Dimetrodon (unknown)
Review and Photos by Bokisaurus
Nostalgia: “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations”.
So you might be wondering why open a review with this word and it’s definition. A toy, especially one that has been with you for decades can elicit such sentiment, and after years of collecting, its time to look back.
Review: Styracosaurus (Marx)
It’s no secret, finding subjects to review for the DTB has become somewhat of a challenge over the last several years. Nearly every figure by all the major players has been reviewed or has a review in the works; Safari Ltd., Carnegie, Papo, CollectA, PNSO, Battat, Invicta, Tyco, and the list goes on.
Review: Fossil Whale/Mammalodon (Yowie Lost Kingdoms, Series B)
Review: Megalodon (Deluxe by CollectA)
Review: Hipparion (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)
Ancient horses really don’t get much love in the toy market. Aside from Starlux and Bullyland, no one has added to the herd of prehistoric equinids. That is until Geoworld brought out their rendition of Hipparion, one of the most successful horses ever, lasting 22 million years and covering almost every continent, before dying off in the Mid-Pleistocene, possibly being out competed by the modern horse.
Review: Moschops (Paleo-Creatures)
Review: Gorgosaurus (Papo)
Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy
It’s no secret that Papo has always been “inspired” by pop culture depictions of dinosaurs. This isn’t unique, even companies like Safari and CollectA occasionally copy designs and color schemes from time to time. Still, no one does it as frequently and blatantly as Papo.