Classification: Therapsid (non-mammal)

Review: Coelophysis (MIXVS MINIMAX)

3.5 (4 votes)

Time has come to introduce you to another gorgeous (and gory) model by our forum member MIXVS MINIMAX, the all time favorite Triassic theropod Coelophysis. As with all of the models in this line, the figures are scaled to 1:72, rendering this comparably small dinosaur a tiny gem that could fit onto a stamp.

Review: Dinogorgon (Conquering the Earth by Schleich)

4.2 (17 votes)
Review and photographs by Lanthanotus, edited by Dinotoyblog
Permian synapsids are not a very popular group of animals and if a toy company does choose to create one, it is almost invariably a Dimetrodon. Few companies dare to make figures, let alone toys, of any other species from this ancient and fascinating group, despite the great variety contained within it.

Review: Dinosaur Boxset 2 (Toyway)

4.6 (7 votes)
Review and photos by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
We’ve all seen them. The crude dinosaur toys that you get in small museum shops for extremely cheap prices, normally just bought by parents to keep their children quiet for a while. The last thing you’d expect is to put six of these together and sell them as a box set.

Review: Estemmenosuchus (CollectA)

4.8 (21 votes)
The Permian Period gets neglected by toy companies, despite its huge assortment of outrageously strange animals. Maybe this is just because there aren’t any true dinosaurs. When we do get a Permian animal, it’s usually Dimetrodon, where we’re really spoiled for choice. Today we’ll look at Estemmenosuchus, a distant relation of Dimetrodon with anatomy that was just as strange.

Review: Estemmenosuchus (Jurassic Park by Kenner)

3.1 (9 votes)
Review and photos by Tim Sosa
Kenner’s Jurassic Park line was supposed to have had an additional wave of figures, but they were never released at retail. Fortunately, the 1997 Lost World line re-used some of those prototypes, one of which was this Estemmenosuchus.
Amazon ad:

Review: Estemmenosuchus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.7 (109 votes)

My introduction to Estemmenosuchus came from the 1994 episode of Paleo-World titled “Tail of a Sail”, which was about Dimetrodon and other synapsids, their evolution, and how they relate to mammals. Estemmenosuchus was only featured briefly via images of its skull and a couple pieces of paleoart but that was enough for me to become enamored with this animal and to help broaden my appreciation for prehistoric life beyond the Mesozoic.

Review: Inostrancevia (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (18 votes)
Fearsome denizens of the Permian, gorgonopsids were rocking the sabre-toothed look hundreds of millions of years before cats came onto the scene. The largest, Inostrancevia, was roughly the size of a black bear and had enormous canine teeth for slashing or stabbing its prey to death.

Review: Jurassic World Dominion Minis part 2 (Jurassic World by Mattel)

3.9 (14 votes)

Well, I’ve shown you the worst of this line, let’s waste no time and get straight on to the best of them!

Starting off the top half is everyone’s favourite three horned herbivore Triceratops. This features one of the best poses of the lot (something I haven’t talked at length about as most the figures are in a generic standing pose), an aggressive fight pose, all the better when you have two to joust with.

Review: Kannemeyeria (3D Print by Mike Eischen)

3.8 (17 votes)

Dinosaurs weren’t the first giant plant-eaters to roam the Earth; that frontier was pioneered first among vertebrates by the dicynodonts, a group of tusked therapsids (the clade which includes modern mammals) which survived the Permian Mass Extinction and lasted to the end of the Triassic period. They ranged widely in size and distribution, from the diminutive Diictodon, to the pervasive Lystrosaurus, to giants like Lisowicia and Kannemeyeria.

Review: Keratocephalus (DinoWaurs Survival by One2Play)

3.9 (9 votes)

Review and photos by Angel Vega (paleoteen13), edited by Suspsy

When it comes to synapsids, Dimetrodon is the animal that make its appearance in toy form the most. Many figures of this animal have been appeared over the years, but other few synapsids have been produced by toy companies.

Review: Lisowicia (CollectA Deluxe)

5 (22 votes)

Time has eventually come, for one of the most impressive CollectA figures of 2020 to hit the European continent. And fittingly, it represents a European species.

In 2006 paleontologists Jerzy Dzik, Tomasz Sulej and Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki discovered large bones in a clay pit in Poland. What was initially considered to be sauropodomorph dinosaur, was later recognized to be a massive dicynodont synapsid.

Review: Lycaenops (Jurassic Park, Series 2 by Kenner)

3.3 (9 votes)
Review and Photos by Griffin
Lycaenops was a three foot long mammal-like reptile, or Therapsid from Southern Africa during the Late Permian. It’s a distant later relative of the much more famous sail-backed, Dimetrodon. Its name means “Wolf Face” rightfully so due to its canine-like fangs on its upper and lower jaws.

Review: Lystrosaurus (Jurassic World: Dominion, Captivz by ToyMonster)

Captivz Lystrosaurus, left side.

4.1 (29 votes)

One of the positive outcomes from the release of Jurassic World: Dominion was its launching of the generally obscure Lystrosaurus to stardom.  Although relegated to what was basically a cameo appearance in the film it was enough to give the little synapsid far more public attention than it would have otherwise received.

Review: Lystrosaurus and Velociraptor ‘Beta’ (Jurassic World by Mattel)

Toys in packaging.

3.6 (20 votes)

Review and photos by Faelrin, edited by Suspsy

In 2022, the last of the Jurassic World films was released, ending the trilogy that started back in 2015, for better or worse. While I didn’t enjoy the film overall, I did enjoy some aspects of it, one of those being the batch of new creatures.

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