Review: Edmontonia (Battat)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , , Age: Type:

4.8 (17 votes)
Review and Photos by forum member Pangolinmoth
From the Battat line of dinosaur figures, better known as the bane of our bank accounts and the envy of our peers, comes the charming Edmontonia rugosidens. Edmontonia was a nodosaur from the late cretaceous, and quite the tank at that.

Review: Therizinosaurus (Dinosaurs of China by Safari Ltd.)

3.5 (13 votes)
The year 1993 was a big year for dinosaur fanatics, the most obvious reason being the release of Jurassic Park in June of that year. It is difficult for me, and likely others of my generation, to grasp just how long ago that was and how much has changed since.

Review: Diatryma (Schleich)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.3 (6 votes)

The Vintage Schleich Diatryma is a nice little figure to have! It is brightly coloured (although I know of monochrome ones being out there) and looks as if it is smiling at you. Looking at this figure, one can’t believe it was a more or less aggressive Eocene omnivore, lurking for prey in the Messel woods, not even avoiding small horses.

Review: Stegosaurus (Antediluvia Collection)(David Krentz)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

4.6 (14 votes)
Rounding out David’s acclaimed line of 1:72 models is this 3 inch long reconstruction of Stegosaurus stenops. The upright posture will be one of the first things to draw the eye. It’s a refreshing twist on what is otherwise a very traditional dinosaur.

Review: Apatosaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: , Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

4.4 (14 votes)
Everyone familiar with dinosaurs knows the name Apatosaurus, and those not familiar with dinosaurs probably are familiar with it but still call it Brontosaurus despite a name change over 100 years ago. I won’t bother getting into any of that as anyone reading this review most likely already knows the story.

Review: Gallimimus (Battat)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.4 (9 votes)

Photos by Niroot ‘Himmapaan’ Puttapipat

Ornithomimids are a horribly under-represented family of dinosaurs when it comes to dinosaur toys. For such fascinating animals, this really is a shame. Fortunately, the few ornithomimid figures out there are usually quite well-made. The Battat Gallimimus is one of these.

Review: Tyrannosaurus (1:15 scale version by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.2 (27 votes)
Review and photos by Nathan. Edited by Plesiosauria.
Everyone here knows this dinosaur – he’s the king of them all and will eat you up if you don’t show some respect! The dinosaur I’m reviewing is, of course, Tyrannosaurus rex. In particular, CollectA’s 1:15 scale reproduction of this famous carnivore.

Review: Dilophosaurus (Jurassic Park by Dakin)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

3.4 (5 votes)
Just under a year ago I came to the Dinosaur Toy Forum inquiring about a small Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus figure, an almost forgotten memory of my childhood. I didn’t know who manufactured it or where to find one but with the help of other forum members I quickly learned about the figure in question.

Review: Apatosaurus (“World Of Jura” by Goebel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.3 (6 votes)

Goebel is a well-known German company that produces porcelain dolls and figures for windowsills of old, boring housewives. In 1992 they (Goebel, not the housewives…) released respectively distributed four dinosaur figures. Apatosaurus´ comrades in this line were Styracosaurus, Triceratops and Stegosaurus.

Goebel green and bright green (there is not that much variety in the paintjob of both the base and the animal) “World Of Jura” Apatosaurus is a special figure in many ways.

Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd. – 2011 sculpt)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.8 (19 votes)
A number of dinosaurs in the Wild Safari line have been subject to resculpts, but the most famous dinosaur of all is unique in having been revised twice. The iffy original was replaced by an abysmal Jurassic Park-esque affair back in 2006; it was almost reminiscent of the Papo T.

Review: Tyrannosaurus (Great Dinosaurs Collection by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

2.6 (15 votes)
Tyrannosaurus rex is a dinosaur that needs no introduction from me. Regardless of your knowledge concerning dinosaurs this is one species that everyone is familiar with. Because of its fame it is perhaps the species most reproduced in toy form, for better or worse.
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