Brand: Wild Safari

Review: Daspletosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.5 (25 votes)

Every fall, Safari Ltd announces their releases for the upcoming year. Understandably, probably owing to the pandemic and the attendant slowdown in trade, their announcements for 2021 were pretty limited, only three new items in the core dinosaur range. I confess I was a bit disappointed that all three were theropods, not being a particular fan of the clade (or at least not of the apex predators in the clade).

Review: Deinocheirus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.8 (29 votes)
Review and photos by Faelrin, edited by Plesiosauria
This past year has seen a surprisingly large number of amazing figures produced by Safari Ltd. Of all the new prehistoric figures released for 2017, only a few have yet to be reviewed so far, including the Deinocheirus that will be the subject of this review.

Review: Diabloceratops (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.6 (23 votes)
Safari’s take on the sinisterly horned ceratopsian from Utah is the second Diabloceratops figure of 2013, following Collecta’s pretty decent effort a few months prior. While it can be a bit dull when companies rush to produce figures of the same animal, they’re quite welcome to as long as we get toys of this calibre.

Review: Dilophosaurus (2020)(Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

3.1 (20 votes)

Sometimes there’s no avoiding bad timing. Since paleontology is an ever-shifting field of scientific understanding, any artistic or commercial renditions of prehistoric life risk becoming obsolete at the drop of a new find. Such was the case for Safari Ltd., who announced the release of a new Dilophosaurus model for 2020 to replace the previous Wild Safari version – only for a brand-new paper to drop later that same year, providing a new, thorough analysis of all known Dilophosaurus fossils and providing new insight into the Early Jurassic predator’s life appearance.

Review: Dilophosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

3 (24 votes)
Wow. Where do I start? This is one fantabulous replica, and it is new for 2009. It doesn’t surprise me that Safari ltd. decided to make a Dilophosaurus for 2009– After all, the only other dilophosaurs they made were the peculiar Carnegie pair from over a decade ago.

Review: Dimetrodon (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (20 votes)
Among the 2018 lineup for Safari Ltd. is everyone’s favorite sphenacodontid, Dimetrodon. This famous not-a-dinosaur was the T. rex of the Permian period and has been a pop-culture darling since its discovery. Even now it seems we’re treated to one of these flamboyant synapsids every couple years or so with Papo, Schleich, Favorite, and Recur all producing one within the last five years.

Review: Dimorphodon (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

4 (14 votes)
Dimorphodon is one of those classic pterosaurs that old thirtysomethings like myself grew up reading about in the 1980s. With a large, blocky head, stout body, and relatively short wings, it would not have been the most skillful of flyers. Instead, it probably took to the air only for brief periods in order to find food or escape predators.

Review: Diplodocus (2017) (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

4.4 (27 votes)
Available from Amazon here.
For some reason, I can remember that one of the dinosaur books I had as a kid included a picture of a Diplodocus-style sauropod, with a quote from a paleontologist in the caption saying that “for most people, this is literally Mr Dinosaur himself”.

Review: Doedicurus (Prehistoric Life Collection by Safari Ltd)

4.4 (19 votes)
Doedicurus was a large genus of glyptodont sporting a bony carapace and a tail ending in a spiked club. These adaptations may have been for defense from Smilodon, which coexisted with Doedicurus, but the club may also have been used during confrontations with other Doedicurus.

Review: Dracorex (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.2 (13 votes)
Where reviews of new toys are concerned this 2012 release has somehow gone neglected. Now, amidst the flurry of reviews for newer models I’m writing one for this little guy. I’m writing of course about the Safari 2012 Dracorex, one of a stellar lineup of toys released last year and the only one from that lineup that has yet to be reviewed.

Review: Dunkleosteus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

4.2 (23 votes)
Review by Tomhet, photographs by Dinotoyblog
As of late, Safari’s newcomers really have become something to look forward to, even more so if one of those newcomers is a late Devonian Placoderm (Placodermi are an exotic but fertile terrain only Kaiyodo, Prehistoric Panorama and Starlux had dared to explore) The Dunkleosteus is a fresh idea from Safari, and as such, it’s had a warm welcome among collectors.

Review: Edmontosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.5 (25 votes)
It has been said that if one simply dropped into the middle of late Cretaceous North America, the massive herds of hadrosaurs are likely one of the first sights to see. Despite their prevalence, the so-called “duckbill” dinosaurs are extremely underrepresented in the dinosaur toy market. The most common reconstructions are focused on the ornately decorated headgear of lambeosaurines – namely Parasaurolophus – drawing even less attention to the relatively “plain” hadrosaurines.
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