In the past few years we’ve seen an explosion of Dunkleosteus figures from all kinds of companies, from masterpieces like Favorite Co’s rendition to worthy-but-flawed efforts like CollectA’s to fairly bad ones like the subject of today’s review. It’s the most popular prehistoric fish in plastic, eclipsing the huge but otherwise utterly boring C.
Review: Sarcosuchus (Mojö Fun)
Review: Velociraptor (Carnage Dinosaurs by ReSaurus)
Once again, I, Emperor Dinobot, will share some of my collection with the DTB. Here we shall have a look at the ReSaurus Carnage Velociraptor. I am really excited to review this figure because I took these pictures last year and I am now finally getting to review one of my most sought-after figures of all time.
Review: Raptor Series Nestlings Three Pack (Amber)(Beasts of the Mesozoic by Creative Beast Studio)
My next review for the 1/6 scale Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series will focus on the Amber Nestlings pack. Currently there are three Nestlings packs available in amber, black, and grey color schemes. There are also prototypes for a White Nestlings pack, but those are not available yet.
Review: Smilodon (Mojö Fun)
Smilodon is another one of those extinct animals that you’d call a staple, appearing in most prehistoric toylines that go beyond dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles to include mammals. This guy and the woolly mammoth are generally the usual suspects when companies producing such a range want to tick the prehistoric mammal box.
Review: Protoceratops (Carnage Dinosaurs by ReSaurus/Toysmith)
Greetings! Emperor Dinobot here with another review! The Carnage Protoceratops is another welcome addition to the ReSaurus line of dinosaurs. However, it is definitely not in scale with Triceratops or Styracosaurus!
This is because the Protoceratops uses the same exact body as the Triceratops and Styracosaurus, but it comes with a different head, and it is painted mostly olive green and black.
News: The Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2018
It’s ‘Dinorama’ time again! I’m delighted to declare the Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2018 sponsored by Urzeitshop, officially open! It has been a decade since the very first contest back in 2008, so let’s make this one special!
Rules, regulations, terms and conditions
Entry is free.
Review: Allosaurus “Raptillion” (Plasma Dinosaurs by Mega Bloks)
Review: Seven Little Dinosaurs (China Post by PNSO)
Within the unfortunately short time of its existence, Chinese company PNSO released two products in collaboration or commission for China Post. One is their glorious Mamenchisaurus, the other is a boxed set of “Seven Little Dinosaurs”. Unlike the “Six Little Dinosaurs” the seven do not depict juvenile dinosaurs but rather adult ones, though they are indeed not big figures.
Review: Archaeopteryx (Soft Model by Favorite Co. Ltd.)
Review: Sinopterus (Günther)
More than 100 genera of pterosaurs are known from sufficient remains to make a good guess at their appearance. Nevertheless, only about 10 genera have been made into decent figures by major toy companies. Here’s one that hasn’t: a wind-up flying Sinopterus by German toy company Günther.