Review: Styracosaurus (Marx)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: , ,

3.9 (9 votes)

It’s no secret, finding subjects to review for the DTB has become somewhat of a challenge over the last several years. Nearly every figure by all the major players has been reviewed or has a review in the works; Safari Ltd., Carnegie, Papo, CollectA, PNSO, Battat, Invicta, Tyco, and the list goes on.

Review: Hipparion (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: , , Type:

3.6 (7 votes)

Ancient horses really don’t get much love in the toy market. Aside from Starlux and Bullyland, no one has added to the herd of prehistoric equinids. That is until Geoworld brought out their rendition of Hipparion, one of the most successful horses ever, lasting 22 million years and covering almost every continent, before dying off in the Mid-Pleistocene, possibly being out competed by the modern horse.

Review: Gorgosaurus (Papo)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4 (23 votes)

Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy

It’s no secret that Papo has always been “inspired” by pop culture depictions of dinosaurs. This isn’t unique, even companies like Safari and CollectA occasionally copy designs and color schemes from time to time. Still, no one does it as frequently and blatantly as Papo.

Review: Qianzhousaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type:

4.4 (30 votes)

Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy

For a long time, long-snouted tyrannosaurids like Alioramus weren’t considered a true group. After all, a long snout isn’t uncommon for tyrannosaurs, at least in juveniles, which all known specimens of Alioramus were.

Review: Pachycephalosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

4.5 (23 votes)

Amongst us dinosaur collectors there are but a few really good Pachycephalosaurus figures out there that are usually referenced. You probably already know which ones they are but in case you don’t they’re the figures by Battat, Favorite, and CollectA. The Battat is of course hard to find, and both the Battat and Favorite are also starting to show their age.

Review: Velociraptor vs Protoceratops “Mongolian Fight” (Favorite Co. Ltd.)

4.7 (6 votes)

Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy.

Discovered in 1971, the “Fighting Dinosaurs” fossil is particularly special, as it preserved two dinosaurs apparently in a literal fight to the death. Because of this, the combatants, Protoceratops and Velociraptor, have joined the most legendary dinosaur rivalries.

Review: Pakicetus (Paleo-Creatures)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age:

4.4 (12 votes)

Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy.

It may seem odd to think that whales are artiodactyls, or even-toed ungulates, the group of mammals that includes hippos, pigs, antelopes, deer, giraffes, sheep, goats, and cows. Obviously, modern whales don’t walk around on land, but, around 50 million years ago, their ancestors did.

Review: Parasaurolophus (Play Visions)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age:

1.3 (7 votes)

Review and photographs by Loon, edited by Suspsy.

If you’ve ever scoured through dinosaur toy lots on eBay, you’ll probably be familiar with a seemingly ever-present cast of figures. Vintage Carnegies, K&M figures, and Battat Edmontonia bootlegs are numerous enough that they should really be classified as vermin. However, you’ll occasionally find a figure unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

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