Review: Triceratops (2017)(Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

2 (7 votes)

Review and photos by Prehistory Resurrection, edited by Suspsy

The most recent news that we have of Bullyland is that the company entered bankruptcy in 2019. They were thought to be definitely out of business, but in January 2020, the company reemerged with a repaint and seven mini figures.

Review: Ceratopsian Dinosaur/Serendipaceratops (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

3.5 (4 votes)

A lot of fossil species are erected by the slimmest of evidence, be it a toe bone, vertebrae or something else. This can make it very hard to discern where they fit into the scheme of life. This review’s subject, Serendipaceratops, is such an example, known only from a single leg bone, the ulna specifically.

Review: Zuniceratops (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

2.5 (11 votes)

With the release of the Beasts of the Mesozoic Ceratopsian line, I wanted to look back at other attempts to recreate these marginocephalians. And who better to look at how not to do them then Geoworld. I have reviewed one of their Ceratopsians before, and was less than impressed.

Review: Dunkleosteus (Mojö Fun)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:
Mojo Dunkleosteus attacks Lego Santa Claus

4.4 (17 votes)

350 million years before the advent of humans, reindeer, or consumerism, our distant gnathostome forebears celebrated Fishmas. Fishmas originated when Santa Claus turned the wrong dial on the time machine he uses to travel to every house in the same night, landing him in the Devonian and the gaping maw of a Dunkleosteus.

Review: Baryonyx Face-Off: The Treasure Hunt (Jurassic World by LEGO)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,

3.6 (10 votes)

“Hello, fellow dinosaur lovers. Dr. Bella Bricking here, along with Beth Buildit. The holiday season has arrived once again and needless to say, we are very happy and thankful to be back here on the Dinosaur Toy Blog.”

“It’s been one heckuva lousy year, hasn’t it, Doc?” 

“It certainly has been a most difficult and trying one, my dear Beth.

Review: Lambeosaurus (PNSO)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

4.9 (40 votes)

Within the last few years, the ornithopod group of dinosaurs has seen a renaissance after being neglected for a long time. It wasn’t always the case, in fact some of the first dinosaur toy figures were from this group. But despite having had early fame, the group would soon be relegated to the sideline as token prey species for the ever-popular throng of predatory theropods.

Review: Belemnite (Prehistoric World by CollectA)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: , , Type:

4.7 (15 votes)

CollectA has long been at the forefront of producing obscure toys of prehistoric animals but by and large they’ve all been tetrapods; four legged vertebrates and their descendants. This includes a variety of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and mammals. But this year CollectA has raised the bar and released four prehistoric invertebrate figures: a trilobite (Redlichia rex), Orthoceras, Pleuroceras ammonite, and a belemnite.

Review: Dunkleosteus (Like Hobby by ThinkArt)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,
Front three-quarter view of ThinkArt Dunkleosteus

4.5 (13 votes)

If somebody has heard of just one Paleozoic fish, it’s probably Dunkleosteus, designated yesterday as Ohio’s official state fossil fish! Toy companies have made more than a dozen different versions over the years, and several higher-end models exist as well.

Review: Cambrian Creatures Mini Model Collection (Favorite Co. Ltd.)

4.6 (12 votes)

Review and photos by bmathison1972, edited by Suspsy

Today, we will be looking at an overview of the Cambrian Creatures Mini Model collection released by Favorite Co. Ltd. in 2016. It consists of eight smaller models representing primarily Cambrian invertebrates along with one chordate.

Review: Herrerasaurus (McDonald’s Happy Meal Exclusive by Schleich)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type:

3.2 (9 votes)

Review and photographs by Stolpergeist, edited by Suspsy

Schleich has a long history of collaborating with other companies to make exclusive figures, including small giveaways that represented company mascots, figures that were simply animals with corporation logos printed on them, or the figures available in the Schleich magazines by Blue Ocean Entertainment.

Review: Eric the Pliosaur/Umoonasaurus (Lost Kingdoms Series B by Yowie)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

3.5 (4 votes)

Fossil discoveries can often turn up in the most unlikely places. From quarries to Chinese medicine shops, fossils may appear where least expected. This was the case for the species Umoonasaurus, better known as Eric the Pliosaur. The bones of this animal had not only fossilized, but opalized, making them appear like jewels, hence why they were nearly sold to a jewellery shop, if it hadn’t been sold to a business man.

Review: Dinosaur Bath Buddies (Little Hero)

2.4 (16 votes)

As a young child, I loved splashing around in the tub with my toys. Who didn’t? Most of my bath toys were sharks and whales and other aquatic creatures, but occasionally a plesiosaur would find its way into the mix. My older son, however, enjoys taking his bath with the Classic Big Four: Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus rex.

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