All Zuniceratops Reviews

Review: Zuniceratops (Beasts of the Mesozoic: Ceratopsian Series by Creative Beast Studio)

4.9 (65 votes)

This modestly-sized (and priced) action figure is a fine representative of the detailed and stylish designs featured in David Silva’s spectacular Ceratopsian series.

I first heard of Zuniceratops a good 20 years ago, when Discovery Channel’s documentary special When Dinosaurs Roamed America aired on television.

Review: Zuniceratops (Jurassic Hunters by Geoworld)

2.5 (11 votes)

With the release of the Beasts of the Mesozoic Ceratopsian line, I wanted to look back at other attempts to recreate these marginocephalians. And who better to look at how not to do them then Geoworld. I have reviewed one of their Ceratopsians before, and was less than impressed.

Review: Zuniceratops (Jurassic World: Wild Pack by Mattel)

3.2 (22 votes)

Discovered in the Moreno Hill Formation in New Mexico by a paleontologist’s young son (lucky kid!), Zuniceratops is quite a significant animal in that it is the oldest North American ceratopsian known to have possessed horns. Indeed, it appears to be a transition between the more primitive protoceratopsids and the more advanced ceratopsids.

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