Author: Guest

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All reviews by this author

Review: Kronosaurus (Marx)

Genus: Brand: Classification: , Age: Type: , , Scale:
Marx Kronosaurus toy

4.9 (7 votes)

Review and photos by BlueKrono, edited by DinoToyBlog

If I were asked to pick a favorite dinosaur toy it would be a challenging query, but I think the one I’d settle on would be the Marx Kronosaurus. A relic of Marx’s early dinosaur lines, the swan-necked prehistoric reptile has a history going back almost a century.

Review: Spinosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,
Wing Crown Spinosaurus

2.2 (5 votes)

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog

The next critter in our overview of Wing Crown’s 7 inch ‘Cartoon Series’ is, as I’m sure you can tell from the photos, Spinosaurus. Not Dimetrodon, or ArizonasaurusSpinosaurus.

News: Upcoming releases from Papo (New for 2025)

News Category: , Brand:

5 (3 votes)

Papo’s had their ups and downs in recent years, with some toys still being pretty darned good and others being pretty darned bad, if we’re being brutally honest. But it appears that we’re in luck for next year!

Anhanguera. This appears to be a digital model as opposed to a physical toy, but it looks very promising.

Review: Stegosaurus (‘Cartoon Series’ by Wing Crown / Gosnell)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: , Age: Type: ,
Wing Crown Stegosaurus

3.6 (10 votes)

Review and photos by Hubert, edited by DinoToyBlog

Continuing with our overview of the 7 inch Cartoon Series by Wing Crown, Stegosaurus is next in line. Like the others in the series, this is simplified in its ‘early tetrapod’, just-walked-out-from-the-water form, with no anatomical intricacies to be found beyond the obligatory plates and tail spikes.

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