Here is an interesting rendition of the popular, plate covered, thagomizer wielding stegosaurus. HG toys made some interesting looking dinosaurs during the 80’s. For inspiration on this stegosaur they must have looked at turn of the century paleoart.
Brand: HG Toys
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (HG Toys)

1.7 (7 votes)
Review and photographs by Funk, edited by Suspsy
This is my first guest review here on the DinoToyBlog. Ever since my mom started throwing out stuff from her attic, I’ve been trying to save my old dinosaur toys, and as a long time DTB reader, I thought it would be a good opportunity to see if I had something that hasn’t been covered here before.
Review: Woolly Mammoth (HG Toys)

3 (5 votes)
For many people, the first image they conjure up while thinking of the ice age is a large animal with shaggy fur, long curved tusks, with its trunk lifted, bellowing to its herd while crossing the icy steppe. Of course I am talking of the Woolly Mammoth, and even though there are many other fascinating species of mammoth, its the Woolly Mammoth that tends to be made into toy form.