News: Upcoming releases from Mattel (New for 2025)(Pt.2)

4.3 (14 votes)

Among the Jurassic World toys for next year are these four from the Danger Pack series. First up is a repack of the 2022 Ferocious Pack Dimetrodon.

Next up, a repaint of the 2022 Dsungaripterus.

Here’s where it gets really interesting: Lophostropheus, a French coelophysoid that lived during the boundary between the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic.

News: Upcoming release from Eofauna (New for 2025)(Pt.3)

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4.9 (19 votes)

For the first time in their history, Eofauna will be releasing a grand total of three toys next year. Check out this Columbian mammoth!

Very nice. The distinct lack of fur (save for perhaps a little on the cranium, it’s hard to tell) makes it stand out from Eofauna’s first proboscidean, the steppe mammoth.

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt.16)

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4.8 (33 votes)

Ye gods, can it really be?

Yes, it can.

Haolonggood is seriously releasing the biggest behemoth of them all (that we know of).

Argentinosaurus, people! When was the last time we got a toy of this one anyway?

This 1:35 scale mould measures a whopping 85 cm long and 50 cm tall, and weighs a staggering 8 kg.

News: Creative Beast/Eons Prehistoric Elephants Backerkit Campaign Update

News Category: Brand:

4.4 (13 votes)

Good news for those hoping to own an articulated 1/18 scale woolly mammoth figure: the campaign is presently at $176,643 USD, meaning just $8,357 is required for it to succeed!

The bad news is that the extended deadline is fast approaching. Collectors only have until October 10 to help make these magnificent mammoths a reality!

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt.15)

News Category: , Brand:

4.8 (34 votes)

What’s this then? Haolongood has revealed images of a species that wasn’t shown on their big teaser poster earlier this year: Triceratops!

It appears that these two are based on “Yoshi’s Trike,” MOR 3027, which has the longest horns of any Triceratops specimen in proportion to its size (although it wasn’t fully mature when it died, so it may have grown into them more had it lived).

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