Brand: Wild Past

Review: Protoceratops (Wild Past)

4.5 (10 votes)

Review and photos by bermudasaurus 303, edited by Suspsy

We currently live in a perfect time for every dinosaur enthusiast, with figures all over the market, from old companies like Safari Ltd. and Schleich, to newer companies like Eofauna, or the subject of this review, the Wildpast Protoceratops.

Review: Tethyshadros (Wild Past)

4.9 (11 votes)

Insular dwarfism is an interesting evolutionary phenomenon where a population of animal that find themselves marooned, separated from main landmass, start evolving progressively into smaller forms or size than what is seen on their ancestors in the mainland to adapt to their newfound restricted reality.This adaptation ensures that these population of animals did not outstrip the limited available food and territory renounces.

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