News: Upcoming release from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.10)

4.5 (23 votes)

Boy, the reveals for the upcoming Prehistoric Elephants series sure have been happening fast! Only yesterday we were admiring the unpainted Platybelodon prototype and now here’s the painted one in all its grey glory!

Remember, the backer campaign launches in just four days!

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.9)

4 (24 votes)

The fourth figure for the Creative Beast/Eons Prehistoric Elephants line is none other than the famous “shovel tusker” Platybelodon! Here’s the concept art by Ross Persichetti.

And here’s the unpainted prototype for the actual figure. Looks fantastic!

And check out the 1/12 melanistic Smilodon for the Beasts of the Cenozoic series.

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.8)

4.8 (17 votes)

Well, that was quick. Here’s the painted prototype of the Creative Beast/Eons Prehistoric Elephants Gomphotherium!

Back when I was a child, prehistory books depicted Gomphotherium with brown fur all over. It seems a little less unusual now.

And check out these instructions for the Cyberzoic Razorhound armour that goes with the Achillobator.

News: Upcoming releases from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.6)

4.7 (24 votes)

Lots of exciting new images from Creative Beast were released last week. First up are these ones of the final sample for the 1/18 scale Beasts of the Mesozoic Allosaurus fragilis.

This figure will come with the new display stand, which has optional foam padding on the bottom.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.26)

4 (25 votes)

Now here’s some really cool news: Mattel has made the first ever toy of the North American elasmosaur Styxosaurus!

Apparently this will be in the same Gigantic Trackers wave as the Suchomimus. It is the first Jurassic World plesiosaur to have flippers that move as part of the action feature.

News: Upcoming release from Creative Beast Studio (New for 2024)(Pt.5)

4.1 (21 votes)

Calling this a 2024 release is admittedly iffy, as 2025 is probably more likely, but anyway, here’s the painted prototype of the Creative Beast/Eons 1/18 scale woolly mammoth calf!

I really like how many different colours have gone into this furry little pachyderm, as woolly mammoth figures have historically been pretty bland in terms of colouration.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt.25)

3.7 (19 votes)

Someone at Mattel must really like Suchomimus, because here’s the second toy of it for this year.

Unlike the first one, this crocodile mimic will be sold by itself as part of the Gigantic Trackers line. Like the others that have come before it, it looks like it’ll be a lot of fun to play with!

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