Author: EmperorDinobot

All reviews by this author

Review: Tapejara (Jurassic World Dino Rivals/Primal Attack Savage Strike by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.2 (56 votes)

Ever since I, Emperor Dinobot, managed to get most of my Jurassic pterosaurs on the ceiling, I made the reealization that doing so would make it impossible for me to review certain individuals, especially many of the repaints and retools Mattel has released in the last few years.

Review: Pteranodon (Electronic Alpha, Jurassic Park III, by Hasbro)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

1.9 (87 votes)

It all began with a friendship, an illness, and the return to my favorite franchise. It is actually a sad story, but I feel like I must tell it because today is the 22nd anniversary of Jurassic Park III’s release in the United States, which is where I am writing this review from.

Review: Tupandactylus (Jurassic World, Dino Trackers Danger Pack by Hasbro)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.3 (58 votes)

Here I am, Emperor Dinobot, offering thee another Mattel pterosaur review, this time of Tupandactylus.

Tupandactylus, formerly known as Tapejara, hails from the Cretaceous fossil rich Brazil. It was reclassified into Tupandactylus imperator and T.

Review: Lockwood Ultimate Battle Set (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Mattel)

3.1 (48 votes)

The ending of Jurassic World opened a can of worms to a world of possibilities as to where our favorite sci-fi dinosaur franchise was going. Luckily there was a ton of lore to draw from, whether it was from the books, game or other media, though maybe not as deep as Star Wars, but just like the Star Wars sequel trilogy, there was not much of a plan going forward in terms of movie-making.

Review: Carnotaurus (Wow World by NKOK)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

1.6 (98 votes)

Once in a while, Emperor Dinobot, who is me, will go to discount stores such as TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, Ross and others to find stuff to eat, like veggie chips and so forth. Sometimes, some bargains are too cheap to leave behind, and that is…what this review is all about.

Review: Guanlong wucaii (Creative Beast Studios, Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaur series)

4.7 (76 votes)

It is quite refreshing to finally review a 1/18 scale dinosaur from Beasts of the Mesozoic that is not a ceratopsian. It is also refreshing to not have to write a review of a Mattel dinosaur or a pterosaur either. The BOTM Tyrannosaur series has arrived, and I, Emperor Dinobot, am excited beyond belief.

Review: Geosternbergia (Jurassic World Legacy Collection)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

1.8 (54 votes)

Mattel has serious distribution problems going as far back as 2004. I collect Batman figures, and I am also a completist, if you haven’t noticed. The final few waves of the Comic Book style Batman series, as well as some figures from The Batman were only released on Europe, and sometimes in Latin America.

Review: Geosternbergia (Jurassic Park Hammond Collection 30th Anniversary by Mattel)

Genus: , Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

2.7 (94 votes)

I told you I would return to pterosaurs soon enough. I, EmperorDinobot, got this Jurassic Park Hammond Collection Geosternbergia early on, and to be honest, there is not much I can say about it, as it is a re-tool of the Amber Collection Pteranodon, which has been reviewed here.

Review: Pentaceratops Beasts of the Mesozoic

4.9 (87 votes)

Nothing has brought me more joy in recent years than David Silva’s Beasts of the Mesozoic figures. Some may call me a material boy, and that’s ok. We are humans, and we thrive on material culture. Part of that culture is our toys and figures which enrich our lives in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.

Review: Jurassic World: Dominion Roar Strikers Pteranodon (Mattel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

1.6 (65 votes)

Here we go again, for the last time, I hope. I, EmperorDinobot will now give you the final Mattel Pteranodon figure that uses the mold first used by the Roarivores Pteranodon from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and which has been retooled several times, as you can see here, here, here, here and here.

Review: Jurassic World Destruct-A-Saurs Helicopter Set with Pteranodon (Mattel)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type: ,

1.7 (75 votes)

EmperorDinobot here with another Pteranodon from the Jurassic World Franchise by Mattel. Destruct-A-Saurs saw very little distribution across the US, and the few that were found were purchases along the southern border, so collectors were scrambling to get these from our Mexican pals who were always willing to help.

Review: Pteranodon (Jurassic World: Primal Attack Sound Strike by Mattel)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

2.2 (30 votes)

Review and photos by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy

Due to the horrors of Covid-19, I, EmperorDinobot had to stay away from stores for a while during early 2020, which was when the bulk of the Jurassic World: Primal Attack animals came out. Mattel has given us sooooo many figures that it became hard for me to keep track of them.

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