Just recently someone on the forum asked what would happen if there was nothing more to review, and I thought, well, this probably will never happen. Since there are still so many interesting old collectibles and oddities out there which could keep us busy for years.
Brand: Wagner
Review: Iguanodon (Margarinefiguren by Wagner)

Sometimes in our clamour for the most spectacular, expensive, hot new dinosaur figures, we can forget there’s still plenty of joy to be found in plain, cheap, cool old dinosaur figures. And you can’t get cheaper than free! The German Margarinefiguren, or Margarine Figures, by Wagner, came free with packets of ‘butter’ (and maybe other products, I don’t know) in the 1950s.
Review: Nothosaurus (Margarinefiguren by Wagner)

In my former review of the Wagner/Shreddies Pareiasaurus I announced some unusual species choices. Did I promise too much when I now introduce to you their Nothosaurus?
Nothosaurus was no dinosaur. Its name means “false lizard”, unfortunately I do not know which circumstances this name refers to.
Review: Protoceratops (“Ersthornsaurier”) (Margarinefiguren by Wagner)

Five or so years ago I introduced to you a line of so called „Margarinefiguren“ (meaning margarine figures) which had been produced by or for a German food company named „Wagner“ 60 or so years ago. The company added them to their food packages as little collectibles for kids as a buying incentive for their parents.
Review: Wangensaurier (Pareiasaurus) (Margarinefiguren by Wagner)

Today I would like to introduce to you the „Wangensaurier“ (literally meaning „cheek lizard“) from the “Wagner Margarinefiguren” series. When these figures were released sixty or so years ago, it was quite common in Germany to give prehistoric creatures German names and not to use the common species name.