Age: Jurassic

Review: Apatosaurus (UKRD)

2.8 (5 votes)
The mysterious early 1990s UKRD dinosaurs, then. Although clearly cheapo Chinasaurs, they were somehow a cut above – some people have referred to them as ‘semi-serious‘ while others have described them as ‘sub-museum‘. Good descriptions both, I think. Although clearly meant to be played with by children and with no pretentions to being a ‘museum-endorsed’ line whatsoever, they generally at least resembled the animal in question, even if in a slightly outdated fashion.

Review: Apatosaurus (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd)

4 (11 votes)
Review and photos by Marc Vincent aka Horridus
Since Safari are soon to replace their classic sculpt of this most well-known of sauropods, it seems only fitting to take a closer look at this ‘retired’ figure before it disappears into bargain bins and onto eBay for the next several years.

Review: Apatosaurus baby (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd.)

4.4 (10 votes)

Apatosaurus was a large, robust, long-necked, small headed sauropod that lived 152-151 million years ago. When the Safari Carnegie line began in 1989 the adult and baby were part of the original line up, and has been part of the collection until the cancellation of the line in 2015.

Review: Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus (Kaiyodo Dinoland Natural History Collection)

4.2 (5 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Part 5 – the conclusion of the the five -part Kaiyodo Dinoland Natural History review series.

The name Brontosaurus is one of the classic and most famous dinosaur names in the world. For many, the name Brontosaur is synonymous with sauropods in general.

Review: Archaeopteryx (Age of the Dinosaurs by PNSO)

4.2 (29 votes)
It’s all or nothing now. Having caught the young female’s eye, Jonas fluffs his feathers, spreads his wings, and raises his tail. She continues to watch him from a distance. Encouraged, Jonas rapidly bows his head and utters low clicks and rattles. At last, the female approaches him and the two touch muzzles.

Review: Archaeopteryx (Papo)

4.1 (18 votes)
First discovered in 1861, Archaeopteryx lithographica was the first fossil to demonstrate an evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds. As such, it rightly remains one of the most famous and important fossils in the history of paleontology.

Archaeopteryx rounds out Papo’s prehistoric assortment for 2014 and it does seem fitting that their first feathered dinosaur should be the legendary Ancient Wing itself.

Review: Archaeopteryx (Soft Model by Favorite Co. Ltd.)

4.9 (11 votes)
In 2017, Favorite Co. Ltd. surprised collectors with two new figures for their soft model collection. I reviewed the first figure, a new quadrupedal Spinosaurus, previously on this blog. Today let’s look at the second model, Archaeopteryx. Despite its legendary status as the “first bird,” (its true cladistic position has been debated several times in the past), there are surprisingly few Archaeopteryx toys on the market today, much less many that strive for good scientific accuracy.

Review: Archaeopteryx (version 1)(Museum Line by Bullyland)

Archaeopteryx Bullyland toy (version 1)

4.1 (11 votes)

Our recent review of the 2017 Bullyland Archaeopteryx prompted me to search through the Dinotoyblog archives to compare the new version with the old…only to discover that we’ve never reviewed the original Bullyland Museum Line Archaeopteryx. That immediately helped me settle on which figure to review next.

Review: Archaeopteryx (version 2, 2017)(Museum Line by Bullyland)

2.8 (5 votes)

Photographs and review by ‘Resurrection of the dinosaurs,’ edited by Suspsy

Back in my review of the Bullyland Smilodon, I had mentioned that Bullyland had released nothing special or new for 2017, just resculpts of their past Triceratops and Archaeopteryx models. And for 2018, unless I am mistaken, Bullyland has released nothing, which is disappointing.

Review: Archaeopteryx (Wild Safari by Safari Ltd.)

4.9 (27 votes)
Review and photographs by Patrx, edited by Plesiosauria.
Archaeopteryx lithographica, the famous “ancient wing”, was named for a single wing feather found in the Solnhofen Lagerstätten in 1861. That feather would soon be joined by more fossils, adding up to a remarkably detailed body of evidence for the creature’s shape, anatomy, and integument.

Review: Atlasaurus (Eofauna)

5 (33 votes)

Review and photos by Bokisaurus

Sauropods are famous for their large size, long necks and even longer tails.This is our typical image of what a sauropod looks like. Sure, there are some that are weird like sporting impressive neck spikes, tail clubs, and body armor, but through the years we have been used to some of these oddities thanks to the popularity of Amargasaurus, Saltasaurus, Shunosaurus, etc.But once in a while, a really odd sauropod comes along that really have us scratching our heads in puzzlement.

Review: Attenborosaurus (CollectA)

4 (14 votes)
Unfamiliar British taxa are the order of the day for UK-based company CollectA, and we can now add the relatively obscure plesiosaur Attenborosaurus to their list. Attenborosaurus is one of two plesiosaurs released by CollectA in 2011 (the other one being the Rhomaleosaurus, again, another relatively obscure British genus).

Review: Barapasaurus (The First Giants by Schleich)

3.1 (15 votes)
Now here’s a dinosaur you don’t see every day. In fact, until this model was announced I had never even heard of the “big-legged lizard” and assuming you might not have either we’ll do a short introduction. Barapasaurus is a genus of sauropod that was discovered in India and lived in the early Jurassic.

Review: Belemnit (Bullyland)

5 (5 votes)
Roughly 300 million years a successful group of invertebrate animals roamed Earth’s seas in such numbers, that their fossil remains are used by geologists as index fossils, yet, the world of toy figures is lacking this group of animals almost completely. Several years ago the German company Bullyland remedied this lack and “released the kraken”,… well, more or less….… while the general appearance of a belemnite is reminescent of a modern cuttlefish and therefore its’ bigger relatives the octopuses aswell, the extinct group of Belemnoidea shows some remarkable differences from those recent animals.
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