Bonjour all, and welcome to another review of the classic line from Starlux. I always admire this old line for the variety it provides. Long before CollectA and Safari ltd., Starlux produced a wide range of species, many of which have not been made by a major company since.
Brand: Starlux
Review: Pithecanthropus (= Homo erectus erectus) (Starlux)
Review: Protoceratops (Starlux)
Review: Psittacosaurus (Starlux)
3.5 (10 votes)
Review and Photographs by Amargasaurus cazaui, edited by Gwangi
Starlux began in France, in 1945, producing small miniatures of soldiers and animals. In the late sixties and early seventies several launches were done of various prehistoric mammals, dinosaurs, and other animals, as well as prehistoric man.
Starlux began in France, in 1945, producing small miniatures of soldiers and animals. In the late sixties and early seventies several launches were done of various prehistoric mammals, dinosaurs, and other animals, as well as prehistoric man.
Review: Rhamphorhynchus (Starlux)
4 (7 votes)
Review and photographs by Indohyus, edited by Suspsy
Once again I find myself in the origins of mass-produced dinosaur toys as I review another Starlux figure. Today I look at the pterodactyloid Rhamphorhynchus. Hailing from the Jurassic limestone of Solnhofen, Germany, it is among the oldest species to have been identified as an ancient reptile (though it was thought to have been a bird until teeth were found).
Once again I find myself in the origins of mass-produced dinosaur toys as I review another Starlux figure. Today I look at the pterodactyloid Rhamphorhynchus. Hailing from the Jurassic limestone of Solnhofen, Germany, it is among the oldest species to have been identified as an ancient reptile (though it was thought to have been a bird until teeth were found).
Review: Tanystropheus (Starlux)
4.2 (9 votes)
Somehow, not a single Starlux figure has ever been reviewed on the Dinosaur Toy Blog! I don’t know how we omitted such an influential line all this time but it’s time to finally change that. The delightful line of prehistoric animals produced by French company Starlux, mainly during the 1960s and 70s, is highly collectible today.