Classification: Tyrannosaur
3.7 (29 votes)
Please welcome Recur to the Dinosaur Toy Blog! Started in 2014, this series of prehistoric and modern animal toys is made in China by Shenzen Ankyl Toys Co., Ltd. Their modern animals range from domestic dogs and horses to sharks and whales, while their prehistoric line currently consists of over 30 beasts.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Red Hunting Version)(Mojo Fun)
2.2 (11 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
With all the Jurassic World toys being released this year, it was very easy for me to forget about the other brands of dinosaur toys that I do not normally collect. One of these brands is Mojo Fun, and the reason I did not collect their models is simply because they don’t have a great selection of species, and most were pretty old school in posture.
With all the Jurassic World toys being released this year, it was very easy for me to forget about the other brands of dinosaur toys that I do not normally collect. One of these brands is Mojo Fun, and the reason I did not collect their models is simply because they don’t have a great selection of species, and most were pretty old school in posture.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (red version) (by Kabaya)
4 (7 votes)
Review and photos by Brandon. Edited by Plesiosauria.
The red Tyrannosaurus differs greatly compared to the Kabaya green T. rex (reviewed here) for three major reasons. One is that it seems to be paying homage to a classical standing posture. Second is the main color scheme which is red – the overall sculpt resembles Diablo, the red Tyrannosaur of Primal Rage, the great Atari Probe video game of the 1990s.
The red Tyrannosaurus differs greatly compared to the Kabaya green T. rex (reviewed here) for three major reasons. One is that it seems to be paying homage to a classical standing posture. Second is the main color scheme which is red – the overall sculpt resembles Diablo, the red Tyrannosaur of Primal Rage, the great Atari Probe video game of the 1990s.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Running) (Papo)
3.2 (22 votes)
So – and forgive me if you’ve heard this already – Papo have a new T. rex out for 2012. And now, finally, we’ve all got the chance to get our greasy paws on one. Although most of you probably decided a long time ago whether or not you were going to grab one of these, hopefully this review will be useful for the very few still sitting on the fence…
There’s one thing always worth remembering about Papo – they’ve never claimed any sort of scientific authority or authenticity.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Skeleton by Figure Miyage)
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Small Sue Plush by Field Museum)(Wild Republic)
4.4 (16 votes)
Review and Photographs by Bryan Divers, edited by Suspsy
Sue, the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, which is on display at the Field Museum in Chicago, is the largest and most complete specimen in the world. Discovered in 1990, she (or he) was named for Susan Hendrickson, the woman who found the specimen.
Sue, the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, which is on display at the Field Museum in Chicago, is the largest and most complete specimen in the world. Discovered in 1990, she (or he) was named for Susan Hendrickson, the woman who found the specimen.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Small)(Schleich)
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Small)(UKRD)
2.2 (5 votes)
Review and photos by Takama, edited by Suspsy
When I was young, there were a lot of dinosaur toys that my parents spoiled me with. These toys ranged from Imperials to Definitely Dinosaurs, to Jurassic Park toys, and eventually the Carnegie Collection. Out of all of these toys, only the Carnegies, the DDs, and another line have remained in my possession to this day.
When I was young, there were a lot of dinosaur toys that my parents spoiled me with. These toys ranged from Imperials to Definitely Dinosaurs, to Jurassic Park toys, and eventually the Carnegie Collection. Out of all of these toys, only the Carnegies, the DDs, and another line have remained in my possession to this day.
Review: Tyrannosaurus rex (Sofubi Toy Box by Kaiyodo)
4.9 (35 votes)
Review and photos by Cretaceous Crab, edited by Suspsy
As soon as I saw this figure starting to pop up on social media and online toy venues, I knew I had to have it. I mean, look at it! Released in 2018 from Kaiyodo’s Sofubi Toy Box series, this Tyrannosaurus rex comes in three different color schemes: the orange and striped version(018A) featured in this review, an olive green version(018B), and a reddish-brown version(018C).