News category: Upcoming Releases

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt. 6)

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4.5 (28 votes)

We now have our first officially revealed figure from that wonderful teaser poster that Haolonggood dropped earlier this month and it’s none other than the formidable ankylosaurid Euoplocephalus!

Old timers will recall that Euoplocephalus had a fairly decent number of toys back during the 80s and 90s, but then that well dried up—until now.

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt. 3)

News Category: , Brand:

4.4 (21 votes)

Haolonggood has released a most exciting teaser image of upcoming products. Check it out!

They have not officially released any names, but the genera appear to be:

Top row, left to right: Mamenchisaurus, Huayangosaurus, Amargasaurus, Camarasaurus, Tarchia.

Middle row, left to right: Gastonia, Euoplocephalus, Maiasaura, Stegosaurus, Edmontosaurus.

News: Upcoming release from Mattel (New for 2024)(Pt. 13)

News Category: Brand: ,

3.6 (12 votes)

Well now, here’s an interesting addition to the Jurassic Park ’93 Classic line: the Dennis Nedry Track & Chase Pack.

The set includes a motorcycle equipped with capture gear, a Velociraptor whose coloration appears to be based on the 2001 Alpha Raptor toy, and a Nedry figure with the same familiar visage, but quite a different physique.

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